北师大版高中英语模块5Unit14lesson3Nine to Five讲解材料.ppt

北师大版高中英语模块5Unit14lesson3Nine to Five讲解材料.ppt

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北师大版高中英语模块5Unit14lesson3Nine to Five讲解材料.ppt

Unit 14 Careers;;;;successful sportsman;;;;;Work in pairs and talk about a successful person and what makes the person successful. For example: I admire Ma Yun most, because he is hard-working, diligent(勤奋的), and intelligent. Other supportive words: cooperative,wise, determined, ambitious, independent, imaginative, creative, strong-willed/strong-minded ;Today’s story is about a famous TV presenter —Wang Junyan. She talks about her road to success. I’m sure you’ll learn something from her.;Step 1: Skimming(略读);;Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4-5 ;;Paragraph 2: Wang Junyan’s mother helped her a lot.;Para 3: She chose to be a journalist and realised its importance; Although there wasn’t ________in a reporter’s existence, she found it _______________________. She need many different ____ and was _______ challenged to learn ___ things.;Step 3: Role Play ---An interview student A: interviewer student B: Wang Junyan ;Some questions for the interviewer: 1, As a child, did you dream of becoming of a famous person on TV? Why? 2, How did you achieve success? 3, Who do you think is the most important person in your life? Will you please say something about him or her? 4, Why did you choose to be a journalist? 5, Is there any special moment that made you realise the importance of being a journalist? 6, In your opinion, if a reporter wants to produce high quality reports, what qualities should he or she have? 7, What do you like most about your job? 8, You like your job and feel curious about different news, but many years later, will you still feel curious? Why? ;Wang Junyan is a __________ now. She said that it is _______, ___________, and ______________ that made her success. It is _______ who taught her to be curious. After graduating from university, Wang became a ______. Her report ______ people and it also helped the government ______ the company and catch the _____________. Her perseverance _________ be


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