unit 5 A 阅读教案资料.ppt

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unit 5 A 阅读教案资料.ppt

20世纪以来,各国历次攀登珠峰的情况如下: 1. 1921年,英国登山队(队长克·哈瓦德巴里)首次从中国西藏境内攀登珠峰,他们没有越过北坳顶部,自己宣称到达的高度是6,985m。 2. 1922年,英国第二支珠穆朗玛峰登山队(队长吉·布鲁斯),仍取中国西藏境内的北坡路线,他们越过了北坳,但在到达8,225m的高度时,因死亡七人而告失败。 3. 1960年5月25日凌晨,中国珠穆朗玛峰登山登上了世界最高峰,登上顶峰的三名队员是王富洲,贡布(藏族)和屈银华。 4. 2014年 4月18日6时30分左右尼泊尔境内的珠穆朗玛峰发生雪崩事故,其雪崩地点靠近珠穆朗玛峰的1号营地,该事故至今造成13人遇难,另有3人失踪,且多为当地夏尔巴人。是人类于1950年代首次登顶珠峰以来,发生死亡人数最多的一次事故。 Background First Reading Read the article and match each paragraph with the main idea. Paragraph 1 spirit of climbers Paragraph 2 achievements of climbers Paragraph 3 facts and dangers Reading strategy: Read the first sentence of each paragraph and find out the topic. 3a Answer the questions using information from the article. 3c 1. Where are the Himalayas? The Himalayas run along the southwestern part of China. 2. How high is Qomolangma? It is 8,844.43 meters high. 3. When and who reach the top for the first time? The first people to reach the top were Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary on May 29, 1953. 4. Why do so many people try to climb this mountain even though it is dangerous? 5. What does the spirit of the climbers tell us? Because people want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties. On one hand, we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams. On the other hand, humans can sometimes be stronger than the forces of nature. Read the article again and complete the chart. Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph1 3 List tour dangers for climbers. List three achievements List tour comparisons thick clouds 1953—Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary were the first to reach the top most dangerous sport 3b 1. thick clouds 1953 – Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary were the first to reach the top. 1. most dangerous sport 2. hard snow 3. freezing weather conditions 4. heavy storms 2. The first Chinese team did so in 1960. 3. The first woman to succeed was Junko Tabei from Japan in 1975. 2. rise the highest 3. most famous 4. Humans can sometimes b


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