《There is one birthday in May 》教学设计及反思 横县马岭镇观江.docx

《There is one birthday in May 》教学设计及反思 横县马岭镇观江.docx

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《There is one birthday in May 》教学设计及反思 横县马岭镇观江

《There is one birthday in May 》教学设计及反思 横县马岭镇观江小学 方华春 教学内容:第三册 Module 10 unit 1 教学对象:小学六年级学生25人 教学目标: 知识目标 1.基本能听懂、会说、会读、会认词汇: count , January , February, March , April , May , June, July , August, September ,October November ,December , parties. 2.基本能听懂、会说、会读、会认句型: How many birthdays are there in…? There are…(number) There is …(number) 能力目标: 1.能运用会说12个月份的英语词汇 2.能熟练运用句型How many birthdays are there in…? There are…(number) There is …(number) 情感态度: 1.本课的学习帮使学生明确学习目标,培养学生自主、合作的学习方式。 2.学生在活动中体会英语学习的乐趣,学生在调查生日的活动中,与同学,好朋友,家人一起分享快乐,培养了学生间美好的友谊 ,增强了学习气氛。 教学重点 词汇: count , January , February, March , April , May ,June , July , Augest , September ,October November ,December ,parties, 句型:How many birthdays are there in…?的语言结构及其回答:There are… /There is… 教学准备 课前准备:布置学生回家向父母咨询自己出生的月份 录音机 磁带 打印好的调查表格 12月份单词日历卡片、 教学过程: Step1:Preparation 1.Greetings 2.Free talk T: How many seasons are there in the year? Ss:Four!/It’s four! T:What are they?? Ss:They are spring summer autumn and winter. T:That’s right! Good memeries! And how many months are there in a year?(一年中有多少个月呢?) Ss:12个月 T:Do you want to know what are they? Ss:Yes. T:Today,we are going to learn a lesson about the months.(板书 :The Months,师教读三遍 )After the class ,you will know them . 你们有信心吗? Ss:有! T:Let’s call out our sologan :we can do it!(板书到黑板的边沿) (本单元谈论的是月份以及复习相关的天气情况,因此由季节引入本课,注重了它们之间的相互联系,为下文乃至第二单元的学习做了铺垫。同时,为了能让学生尽快地投入到英语课堂的学习氛围中,能带着自信去学习,我设计了课前呼喊口号这一行动。) Step2:Presentation and Pratice 1.New words learning 出示一本由12个月组成的单词卡片日历本 T:Look,there is a canlender.There are twelve months in the year.Let’s have a look what are they?? T:They are January ,February , March,..... (单词卡片以日历本的形式呈现,创设日历情景,吸引学生的眼球,同时教师在数月份的同时让学生感知12月份的说法,让学生心理有数,同时起到教师示范读的作用。) T:Let’s count them together,Ok? Ss:OK! T:Let’s have a try! (师生一起数,刚呈现学生不一定就能马上掌握,这是需要老师的帮扶。) T:Great! Some of you are get it! So we must believe :We can do it! T: Now try again with your deskmate。 (两人合作学习,减轻难度。) T:(学生正在和同桌数月份的


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