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. PAGE .. DN供电系统牵引变电所设计 The Design of Traction Substation by DN Power Supply System 届 电气工程 系 专 业 电气工程及其自动化 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 完成日期 2013年 月 日 摘 要 牵引变电所是电气化铁路牵引供电系统的心脏,它的主要任务是将电力系统输送来的三相高压电转换成适合电力机车使用的电能。牵引供电系统的供电方式主要包括:直接供电方式、BT供电方式、AT供电方式、CC供电方式等。DN供电方式以其结构简单,可靠性高,供电性能好,造价低等优越性广泛的应用于我国各枢纽地区的牵引变电所中。 本设计以DN供电系统牵引变电所设计作为设计核心主要做了如下工作:通过牵引负荷计算,确定了变压器的安装容量、台数、连接组别及备用方式;进行了牵引变电所的主接线方案设计,并用CAD软件绘制了一次系统图的图纸;进行了短路计算,根据计算结果选择了牵引供电系统的电气设备;对变压器、牵引网等重要部分配置了继电保护方案及相应的控制回路方案;最后对整个牵引变电所进行了防雷接地设计。 关键词:牵引 变电所 继电保护 DN供电 Abstract The traction substation is the heart of the electric railway power supply system, its main task is to convert the three-phase high-voltage electric convey from the power systems to the electricity which is fit for the electric locomotive. The style of the trctive power supply system mainly includes: Direct power supply, Booster-Transformer power supply, Auto-Transformer power supply, Coaxial Cable power supply and so on.The DN power supply way is widespread in the huge substation by its simple structure, the high reliability, the perfect power supply performance, the low cost and so on. The paper take the design of traction substation by DN power supply system as the core and mainly to do the following works: The capacity of the transformer, the number of the transformer, the connection of the transformer and the alternate way of the transformer had been selected by the load current of feeding section; The main connection of the substation had been designed and draw by the CAD software; The electrical equipment had been selected by the result of the short circuit current calculation; The relay protection and the control circuit had been designed; At the end of the paper, the grounding for lightening of the whole substation had been designed. Key words: Ttraction Substation Relay protection DN power supply . .. 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc 第1章 绪论 PAGEREF _To


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