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Electron Markets (2009) 19:69–70 DOI10.1007/s12525-009-0010-6 Preface to the focus theme on eCRM Nicholas C. Romano Jr. Jerry L. Fjermestad Published on line: 17 July 2009 Institute of Information Management, University of St. This Focus theme section of Electronic Markets on Electronic Customer Relationship Management (eCRM) focuses on the critical aspect of customers in ecommerce. Commerce in electronic markets (eCommerce) remains a significant, pervasive phenomenon for enterprises, customers, governments and consumer advocacy watchdogs.Three important relationships in electronic markets include: between enterprises and customers (B2C); among enterprises (B2B); and among customers (C2C). Additional relationships between governments (G2G), enterprises (G2B) and customers (G2C) become more important as electronic markets and eGovernment mature and legislation, regulation and oversight increase. Fundamentally eCRM (from the customer’s perspective) concerns attracting and keeping“Economically Valuable” customers and repelling and eliminating “ Economically Invaluable” ones. Electronic markets are evolving from“first order” transactional value exchanges through“second-order” informational value exchanges into“third-order” relational value exchanges.These relational value exchanges are central to success and competitive advantage for firms and customers that engage in eCommerce. This focus theme addresses those value exchanges between customers and enterprises. The concept of CRM in the Information Systems (IS) Discipline can be traced back to early ideas that customers should be considered as assets,s ources of value and resources to be managed across a lifecycle (Ives and Learmonth 1984;Ives and Mason 1990.) More specifically Ives and Learmonth proposed the IS Customer Resource Life Cycle and later Ives and Mason (Ives and Mason 1990) explained how IS can revitalize customer service. However these early forays into “CRM” were not followed in the literature by any


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