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中国循证医学杂志 2018年8月第18卷第8期 • 1 •   ·实践与交流· 2017 年 Cochrane 带给中国的机遇 邝心颖,李幼平,张鸣明 四川大学华西医院中国 Cochrane 中心/ 中国循证医学中心(成都  610041 ) 【摘要】   在过去的 20 多年,国际 Cochrane 协作网(简称 Cochrane )完全改变了卫生决策制定的方式。 Cochrane 收集、总结及传播当前可得的最佳研究证据,再通过 Cochrane 图书馆的传播平台,协助利益相关者实现 知证决策。Cochrane 从最初只有几十个志愿者的小组发展成为拥有来自 130 多个国家、超过 37 000 名志愿者的 国际性组织。Cochrane 系统评价及相关证据早已被公认为医疗卫生领域高质量、可信赖的国际金标准。近年来 Cochrane 又启动了不少创新项目以吸引更多不同文化和教育背景的研究者加入。本文将简介这些崭新的研究平 台,分享焕然一新的 Cochrane 带给中国研究者的机遇。 【关键词】  Cochrane ;国际协作网;循证医学 Cochrane in 2017: opportunities in China Joey S.W. Kwong, LI Youping, ZHANG Mingming Cochrane China, Chinese Evidence-Based Medicine Centre, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610041, P.R.China Corresponding author: LI Youping, Email: yzmylab@ 【Abstract 】 Over the past two decades, the International Cochrane Collaboration has completely transformed the mechanism of health decision-making. Cochrane aims to collect, summarize and disseminate the best current research evidence via The Cochrane Library in order to help stakeholders making informed health care decisions. Cochrane began with just a few dozen volunteers and has, over the years, transformed into a truly global and inclusive network, with 37 000 contributors from over 130 countries. Cochrane evidence has long been recognized as high quality and trustworthy international gold standard in health care. In recent years, Cochrane has initiated a number of innovative projects to attract more researchers from different socio-cultural and educational backgrounds. This commentary will introduce these new platforms and will illustrate the opportunities offered to Chinese researchers by the modern-era Cochrane. 【Key words 】 Cochrane; Collaboration; evidence-based m


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