美国历史文化概况(英文版)(第二版) 答案.docx

美国历史文化概况(英文版)(第二版) 答案.docx

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Keys: 答案 Unit 1 Text A Ⅰ. 1. destructive 2. have been persecuted 3. established 4. intensified 5. immigrated 6. overwhelming 7. refugees 8. combat 9. dispute 10. financial Ⅱ. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. F III. 像伊丽莎白女王一样,新任国王也鼓励对外扩张,以此来缓解国内的宗教争端和经济上的低迷。 他们一直被称为清教徒,因为他们执意要“净化”英国国教——通过阻止其任命主教来简化宗教仪式,改革组织形式。 在合约期满后这些契约奴可以获得自由,而黑奴却要呆在种植园世代为奴。 从16到18世纪,土著居民的人口由于以下原因急剧下降:来自欧洲的流行病的肆虐;欧洲探险者和殖民者对他们的种族屠杀以及引发的战乱;被迫离开故土;土著部落间的战乱,被奴役;高比率的近亲结婚。 那些感染了疾病的人有的是疾病还处于潜伏期,有的是隔离的不那么严密,他们与土著居民的接触使得疾病得以传播,进一步转为流行病。 Text B I. 1. beneficial, solely 2. generally, disturbance 3. publish, have 4. strongly, condemn 5. revenge 6. become worse 7. correct 8. put down 9. leave 10. trap Ⅱ. The Seven Years’ War: It is the war lasting from 1756 to 1763 during which Britain and France fought over the control of North American colonies. It ended up with the victory for Britain. As a result of the war, Britain acquired French holdings in Canada and Florida from France’s ally, Spain. The Stamp Act: It is the act that passed by British Parliament in 1765 to be the first direct tax on the American colonies. It required that all newspapers, pamphlets, legal documents, commercial bills, advertisements, and other papers issued in the colonies bear a stamp. The Boston Tea Party: It is a direct action by colonists in Boston against the British government for its unfair treatment. On the night of December 16, 1773, a band of men, disguised as Indians boarded three British ships lying at anchor in Boston harbor and dumped the tea cargo, which was from China, into the sea. The Treaty of Paris: The Treaty of Paris, signed on September 3, 1783, formally ended the American Revolutionary War between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the United States of America, which had rebelled against British rule. Unit 2 Text A Ⅰ. jurisdiction,amphibians,contiguous,lease,habitat,disputing Ⅱ. 1. 美国领土包括明确界定的地理区域,即根据美国联邦政府权力管辖的大陆,天空或海域(但不仅局限于这些领域)。 2.落基山脉位于大平原的西


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