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private Vehicles 私家車 There are now an estimated twelve million cars (which 90% have been purchased in the last five years) in China and increasing 25-30% annually Chengdu in 2002 had registered 825,000 private vehicles and in less than one year, November 2003 there are 920,000 cars a 20% increase though new roadways have only increased by 6.4%. Each year as more people purchase cars the problems of; pollution, noise, automobile accidents and a rising death count are only the beginning and can only worsen unless action is taken to match infrastructure improvements with the expansion. 估計中國現有三千萬台車輛,其中九成都是在過去五年內購入; 而這個數值尚未包括公共汽車、貨車、和其它商業車輛。 這個快速得無法預視的膨脹已經在中國各個城市形成繁重的負擔。 污染、噪音、汽車事故、和因此而增加死亡率,僅僅是問題的開端。 成都在2002年的註冊私家車有 825,000輛; 然後在一年內,2003年11月,數字就攀升至920,000 – 幾乎20%的增加率; 但新增道路的增加率僅有 6.4%。 每年的車輛擁有率都急速上升,除了立刻採取適當相應的解決方案外,問題只會一直存在,甚至不斷惡化下去。 * private Vehicles 私家車 Pollution motor vehicles are the biggest contributor to city pollution and poor air quality Noise cars, motorbikes and truck horns and braking vehicles are at times the only noise heard on city streets or in homes or offices Accidents dramatic increases in personal injury and rising insurance and repair cost Death of Street Life Studies clearly show that the increase of traffic inversely correlates with the level of social contact and as traffic on a street increases, people retreat from the street and attempt to shut it out of their lives. 污染 車輛是造成空氣污染的最大原因 噪音 私家車、摩托車、貨車的喇叭聲、還有急剎車的聲音給城市街道、家裡、和辦公室裡帶了很大的噪音 交通意外 由於交通意外而受傷的人數急劇上升,同時保險及維修費用亦在快速攀升 街道生活之消失 研究清楚指出,交通愈是繁忙發達,在街道上的社交生活則會隨之下降。人們在街道上的互動會日漸減少,最後選擇退出街道的生活舞台。 * private Vehicles 私家車 New freedoms with owning a car is an enjoyment difficult to curtail for daily use. Needs to be addressed 須要注意: traffic laws need to be enforced and driving courtesy towards cyclist, pedestrians and other drivers should be a municipal information program initiated. ….both initiatives when not properly monitored contribute to dangerou


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