报业集团战略转型期风险因素分析(Analysis of risk factors of newspaper group strategic transformation).doc

报业集团战略转型期风险因素分析(Analysis of risk factors of newspaper group strategic transformation).doc

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报业集团战略转型期风险因素分析(Analysis of risk factors of newspaper group strategic transformation)

报业集团战略转型期风险因素分析(Analysis of risk factors of newspaper group strategic transformation) The newspaper group to the preferential policies in the strategic transformation of the full use of national support to the reform of the cultural system, reasonable adjustment of newspaper system structure, so as to guide public opinion correctly, and can effectively exercise the supervision of public opinion; not only the courage to take social responsibility, but also pay attention to the propaganda effect. In turn, the improvement of the newspaper market also forced the newspaper group itself hard skills, to manage the operation of the enterprise and news editing professional to adapt to the challenges of the new situation. Should obey the laws of the market, but also comply with special requirements of ideological development, adhere to the arming the people with scientific theories, to correct media guidance, imbue them with lofty spirit, inspiring people with excellent works. Only when the public opinion orientation is correct, can the newspaper groups strategic transformation be completed smoothly, and the measures and methods of financial management can be implemented in every link of the management work. Any short-sighted behavior that only focuses on economic interests and ignores social benefits is likely to ruin our career. At present, the newspaper reform has been developed to the critical period of strategic transformation, we have business newspapers and business assets from public institutions into enterprises, and therefore cannot be both enterprise and enterprise, institution, enterprise management. It is an enterprise that must enter the market as the main body of the market, change the political risk into the policy advantage, and develop continuously in the market competition. Two. Analysis of legal risk and control in the process of strategic transformation of Newspaper Group Newspaper as a commodity has a dual nature, determines the newspaper group is facin


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