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Strengthening EG in SCM Industry in Shaan Xi Province, China 加强中国陕西小型煤矿的环境治理工作 Training Session 1 – Training 2 Environmental Management Systems (EMS) – EMS Management Review and Opportunities for Improvement 培训会议1-培训课程2-环境管理系统(EMS)-环境管理系统(EMS) 做好管理评审,抓住改善机会 John Clarkson EMS Model and elements 环境管理系统(EMS)模型和基本要素 管理评审 持续的改善 环境政策4.2 规划4.3 检查4.5 实施和运作4.4 4.6 Management Review 4.6 管理评审 Top management should review the organisations EMS at regular intervals. It is proposed that this is done at least annually. The main objective is to assess opportunities for improvement and to review the environmental policy and objectives and targets and to set new objectives and targets for the coming year. 高层管理应定期对组织的环境管理系统(EMS)进行评审。建议至少每年进行一次评审。评审的目的在于寻求改善的机会,对环境政策、目标和指标进行评审,并为来年设定新的目标和指标。 Those involved in the review typically include: 评审通常包括: Environmental staff (preferably led by the EMS Management Representative), managers of key units within the operation, particularly those where there is a link to significant environmental aspects and top managers. Minutes of the meeting should be taken and approved by the Management Representative of the EMS. Follow up actions, timescales and responsibilities for improvements should be clearly highlighted 环保人员(最好有环境管理系统(EMS)管理代表为首),主要运营部门的经理,尤其涉及重要环境方面和高层经理。会议应做好会议记录,并由环境管理系统(EMS)管理代表进行审核批准。随后采取措施,制定实施的时间框架并划分职责,以及需要作出的改善措施。 4.6.1 What the review should include 4.6.1 评审应包括哪些内容? The review should cover the full scope of the EMS so that top management are kept informed of all aspects. 评审应包括环境管理系统(EMS)的全部范围,这样高层管理可以了解所有方方面面的信息。 Main points to cover are: 主要包括: Findings and the action plan from internal audits 发现的问题,以及内部审计的措施方案; Progress against objectives and targets 目标和指标的进展情况; Legal compliance 法律合规性; Justifiable environmental complaints 公正的环境投诉; Follow-up actions from previous management reviews 先前管理评审的后续措施; Changing circumstances e.g. changes in production levels, identification of any new environmental aspects or new legal requi


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