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梅花鹿仔鹿配合日粮适宜蛋白质水平的研究 [摘要] :为探讨不同蛋白质水平配合日粮对梅花鹿仔鹿消化率标的影响,选择14 头10月龄梅花鹿随机分成 4 组分别为A组3头、B组4头、C组4头、D组3头,分别饲喂4 种不同蛋白质水平的配合日粮 (平均粗蛋白质水平分别为10.27%,14.26%,15.61% 和 18.60%),进行饲养试验和消化试验,测定并分析仔鹿干物质采食量、体重、营养物质采食量及表观消化率、蛋白质采食量及表观消化率、料重比。14.26%组仔鹿体增重较高,干物质消化率较高,料重比较低。随着日粮蛋白质水平的提高,各组仔鹿对干物质采食量增加,在饲喂低蛋白质水平日粮时就可以使得仔鹿体重增加,满足仔鹿生长所需要的营养,且保证仔鹿适宜营养物质消化率。由此试验中雄性梅花鹿仔鹿干物质采食量与每日体增重的比例可知,蛋白质水平高的日粮不一定会导致梅花鹿日增重量最高,而14.26%蛋白质组日粮的料/重比为最低。结果表明,梅花鹿仔鹿配合日粮适宜蛋白质水平为14.26%,本试验结果为制定梅花鹿仔鹿配合日粮蛋白质标准提供了依据。 [关键词] :梅花鹿;仔鹿;日粮;蛋白质;消化。 Deer Fawn with appropriate dietary protein levels of study Student: ZengMiao, College of animal science, Yangtze Teacher: TangDenghua, College of animal science, Yangtze Abstract: To explore the different levels of protein digestibility with diets on the subject of deer Fawn impact select 14 10-month-old deer were randomly divided into four groups were group A , B , C , D . respectively. fed four different diets with protein levels (average crude protein levels were 10.27%, 14.26%, 15.61% and 18.60%), for feeding trials and digestion test, and analyze the Fawn dry matter intake, body weight, nutrient intake and apparent digestibility, protein intake and apparent digestibility, feed conversion ratio. 14.26% group Fawn higher body weight gain, dry matter digestibility higher feed conversion is relatively low. With increased levels of dietary protein, for each group Fawn increased dry matter intake in diets fed low protein levels can cause weight gain, Fawn, Fawn growth to meet nutritional needs, and to ensure appropriate nutrients Fawn digestibility. Thus the test male deer Fawn daily dry matter intake and body weight gain ratio shows that high levels of dietary protein will not necessarily result in the highest daily gain deer, and 14.26% protein diets of the material / weight ratio the lowest. The results showed that the deer Fawn with appropriate dietary protein level was 14.26%, the test results for the development of deer Fawn with standard provides t


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