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第 35 卷第 3 期 2014 年 6 月 钢 铁 钒 钛 IRON STEEL VANADIUM TITANIUM Vol. 35,No. 3 June 2014 近年全球钒制品生产现状及发展趋势 刘淑清 ( 攀钢集团研究院有限公司,四川 攀枝花 617000) 摘 要: 介绍了近年全球钒钛磁铁矿、钒渣、钒铁、钒氮合金的生产现状及发展趋势,主要钒企业俄罗斯耶弗拉兹集 团、瑞士 Xstrata 公司、中国攀钢集团、中国河北钢铁承钢公司的钒制品产量、产品结构、经营情况及动态。分析得 出: 全球钒生产高度集中,中国为钒产量最大的国家; 钒行业面临着扩能过大、钢铁市场萧条、受替代品铌的影响等 问题; 也面临含钒高强度钢筋推广应用、钒电池发展迅速、有望产业化的机遇。 关键词: 钒钛磁铁矿; 钒渣; 钒铁; 钒氮合金; 产量; 产品结构 中图分类号: TF841. 3 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004 - 7638( 2014) 03 - 0055 - 08 DOI: 10. 7513 / j. issn. 1004 - 7638. 2014. 03. 013 Production Status and Development Trend of Vanadium Product in World in Recent Years Liu Shuqing ( Pangang Group Research Institute Co. ,Ltd,Panzhihua 617000,Sichuan,China) Abstract: Production status and development trend of vanadium - bearing iron ore concentrate,vanadium slag,ferrovanadium and nitrovan in world in recent years are described. The production of vanadium product,product mix,financial results and trends for Evraz in Russia,Xstrata in Switzerland,Panzhihua Steel ,Chengde Iron and Steel of HIBIS are described. The follow conclusions are obtained through analy- sis: the production of vanadium is very centralized; China is the country of most vanadium production; vanadium industry is faced the problems that the production capacity of vanadium expand is too much, the market of iron and steel is too weak,the substitute-niobium influences the market of vanadium; vana- dium industry is faced the opportunity that the V microalloying high tensile steel bar is increasing the con- sumption,vanadium redox flow battery develops very rapidly and the commercially production is hopeful. Key words: vanadium-bearing iron ore concentrate,vanadium slag,ferrovanadium,nitrovan,product, product mix 0 引言 钒是一种重要的战略资源,广泛应用于钢铁、化 学、机械制造、汽车、铁路、桥梁、航空航天、高科技尖 端科学、军工以及新能源等领域。在钢中添加少量 的钒,可以大大提高钢的强度、韧性和耐磨耐蚀能 力,如采用热轧 400 MPa 级高强抗震钢筋,不仅可节 省钢筋 10% 到 20% ,在地震发生时,还可以最大限 度地吸收地震能量,减少建筑物发生灾难性的倒塌, 从而最大限度地减少人员和财产的损失。 近年,受钢铁行业萧条的影响,全球钒产品市场 在低迷中徘徊,价格处于历史低位。钒产业是攀钢 集


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