【成才之路】高中英语(人教版·通用版,必修1)课后强化作业:unit 2 .doc

【成才之路】高中英语(人教版·通用版,必修1)课后强化作业:unit 2 .doc

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【成才之路】高中英语(人教版·通用版,必修1)课后强化作业:unit 2

Unit 2 English around the world SectionⅢ Using Language Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.ISBN stands for International S________Book Number. 2.The German speak English with a strong German a______. 3.In which d________are you going, north or south? 4.Dont rock that baby on the rock while playing that r________music. 5.The place we live in is hot,________(尤其)in summer. 6.There was an________(表情)of anger on her face. 7.In the U.S.A., Kentucky and Tennessee are________(临近的)states. 8.________(闪电)is usually followed by thunder. 9.We________(承认)the problems youve faced and feel sorry for you. 10.This type of pine grows in the dry mountains of the________(西南)area of the US. 答案:1.Standard 译文:ISBN代表的是国际标准书号。 2.accent 译文:那位德国人说英语时有浓重的德语口音。 3.direction 译文:你要去哪个方向,北还是南? 4.rock 译文:演奏摇滚乐时,不要惊吓到坐在石头上的孩子。 5.especially 译文:我们住的地方很热,尤其是在夏天。 6.expression 译文:她的脸上流露出愤怒的表情。 7.neighbouring 译文:在美国,肯塔基州和田纳西州紧挨着。 8.Lightning 译文:闪电过后有雷声。 9.recognize 译文:我们承认你遇到的问题并对你深表同情。 10.southwestern 译文:这种松树生长在美国西南部干旱的山区里。 Ⅱ.完成句子 1.All the people present have ________ ________ ________ ________(强烈要求) that the fresh water should be supplied at once. (request) 2.The beauty of the Birds Nest is ________ ________(无法形容). (expression) 3.The captain________ ________ ________ ________ ________(命令他的人航行) to the port at a fast speed. (command) 4.I didnt ________ ________ ________(辨认出他的声音)on the phone last night. (recognize) 5.This is ________ ________ pen ________(和……一样) I bought yesterday. (as) 6.Chow Yun-Fat ________ ________ ________ ________ (扮演主角)in the film Let the bullets fly.(play) 7.________ ________ ________ ________(信不信由你), they will not carry out their promise. (believe) 8.________ ________ ________ ________ ________(沿着这条路一直走)and then turn right. (straight) 9.The street ________ ________(被阻塞) because of a heavy traffic accident. (block) 10.The young man has to stay at home. ________ ________(那是因为)his leg was hurt yesterday.(because) 答案:1.made an urgent request 2.beyond/without manded his men to sail 4.recognize his voice 5.the


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