【成才之路】高中英语(人教版·通用版,必修1)课后强化作业:unit 1 .doc

【成才之路】高中英语(人教版·通用版,必修1)课后强化作业:unit 1 .doc

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【成才之路】高中英语(人教版·通用版,必修1)课后强化作业:unit 1

Unit 1 Friendship Section Ⅲ Using Language Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.I have ________(打包) up my clothes;Im ready to go on a holiday. 2.I am not good at ________(与……沟通) with other people. 3.He ________(患有)from a serious heart attack before, but now he is all right. 4.Can you tell me the ________(确切的) date of your coming here? 5.I was ________(感激的) to my English teacher in the junior school who gave me so much help. 6.He fully ________(痊愈) himself after the operation. 7.Nowadays many ________(青少年) are crazy about rock music. 8.I quite ________(不同意) with what you said just now. have trouble with settle down fall in love municate with get tired of join in get along with pack up答案:1.municating 3.suffered 4.exact 5.grateful 6.recovers 7.teenagers 8.disagree have trouble with settle down fall in love municate with get tired of join in get along with pack up Ⅱ.选词填空 1.She ____________________ a foreigner and married him when she studied in America. 2.He ____________________ his English study, so he often fails his English exam. 3.How is he __________ his new classmates? 4.Im going to ________ their discussion. 5.With his help, I can ______________ the police in English. 6.Few students ____________ playing games. 7.Do you need me to help you ____________? 8.He has __________ in America for 20 years after he moved there. 答案:1.fell in love with 2.has trouble with 3.getting along with 4.join municate with 6.get tired of 7.pack up 8.settled down Ⅲ.单项填空 1.Readers can ________ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word. A.get over       B.get in C.get along  D.get through 答案:C 句意:读者不知道每个词的确切含义也能读得很好。get along/on意为“进展,进行”,符合句意。 2.She ________ such a serious heart trouble that it was difficult to regain her health. A.suffered B.took C.owned  D.carried 答案:A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她遭受如此严重的心脏病以至于很难恢复健康。suffer“遭受,蒙受”;own“拥有”;carry“携带”。 3.—People should stop using their cars and start using public transport. —________. The roads are too crowded. A.All right B.Exactly C.Go ahead  D.Fine


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