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社会保障理论与制度分析 国外本科《财政学》教材关于社会保障的基本内容 《财政学》(第四版,陈共教授编著)第六章第一节“社会保障支出”的内容介绍 我国社会保障制度的现状及面临的主要问题 第一部分 国外本科《财政学》教材关于社会保障的基本内 1.本国社会保障制度的产生与发展 Holley Ulbrich: Public Finance in Theory and Practice Chapter 18, Welfare, Social Security, and the Social Safety Net The Evolving Social Welfare State Neil Bruce:Public Finance and the American Economy Chapter 9,Social security and Medicare Social Security:the nation’s biggest government program A Brief history of Social Security in the United States 2.政府为什么要举办社会保险 Harvey S. Rose: Public Finance ,Fifth Edition Chapter 10,Social InsuranceⅠ:Social Security and Unemployment Insurance Why Have Social Insurance? Neil Bruce:Public Finance and the American Economy Chapter 9,Social security and Medicare Why Social Insurance R.A. Musgrave: Public Finance in Theory and Practice, Fifth Edition(中译本) 第十一章 支出政策的案例分析:(2)低收入援助与社会保险 第四节 “老年、遗属保险的有关问题” 公共供应与私人供应 3.社会保障制度的基本内容:保险项目、筹资模式、津贴结构、资金来源 Harvey S. Rose: Public Finance Fifth Edition Chapter 10,Social InsuranceⅠ:Social Security and Unemployment Insurance Structure of Social Security : Basic Components Holley Ulbrich: Public Finance in Theory and Practice Chapter 18, Welfare, Social Security, and the Social Safety Net What is Social Security? Neil Bruce:Public Finance and the American Economy Chapter 9,Social security and Medicare Social Security:the nation’s biggest government program The social security benefits structure Financing social security David N.Hyman:Public Finance Chapter 8,Social security and Social Insurance The Social Security Retirement System Pay-as-you go versus fully funded pension system How retirement benefits are computed under social security Full retirement age R.A. Musgrave: Public Finance in Theory and Practice, Fifth Edition(中译本) 第十一章 支出政策的案例分析:(2)低收入援助与社会保险 第三节 社会保险项目 4.社会保障基金与政府预算的关系 Holley Ulbrich: Public Finance in Theory and Practice Chapter 18, Welfare, Social Security, and the Social Safety Net The


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