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PAGE PAGE 1 l 中国机械产品出口贸易研究 学 生:** 指导老师:** (湖南农业大学商学院,长沙 410128) 摘 要:机械工业已成为中国国民经济基础性和战略性产业。在良好宏观环境和政策措施的作用下,机械工业产业规模、产品质量、自主创新都发展迅速。我国机械工业对外贸易早已摆脱了新中国成立以来持续逆差的局面,实现了贸易顺差。自此,随着我国机械工业整体竞争力的加强,机械工业贸易顺差不断扩大,与此同时,伴着外贸结构的进一步改善,机械产品出口结构不断优化。在欧美机械占据垄断地位的形势下,我国机械产品的突围表现值得其他行业借鉴,在国际环境日新月异的今天,我国机械产品仍是机遇与挑战并存。本文对机械产品出口的历史进行了回顾,分析了我国机械产品出口的特点,在此基础上,指出了我国机械产品出口将面临的挑战,并相应提出来应对对策,探讨了中国机械行业产品未来的发展。 关键词:机械产品;出口;贸易 Research on the Export of Mechanical Products of China Student:Wang Feng Tutor:Wang Huang (College of business, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China) Abstract:Machinery industry has become basic and strategic industry in the national economy of China., both the industry size,quality and the Self-dependent innovation has been developing rapidly under the good macro environment and policy measures. Foreign trade had already get rid of the deficit situation, realized trade surplus. meanwhile, with competitiveness of machinery industry strengthening, trade surplus of mechanical industry growing, and at the same time, foreign trade structure improved,thus optimized the export structure of mechanical products. since Europe and the United States monopolized mechanical product , breakout performance of mechanical product is worth referencing for other industries, opportunities and challenges exist side by side with the international environment change quickly in the present.In this paper, the history of mechanical products export are reviewed, analyzed the advantages of the mechanical products export, based on these, in our country, points out the existing challenges of the export of mechanical products, and raised the corresponding countermeasures, to do the discussion for promoting the development of machinery industry. Key words: Mechanical Products; Export Trade 一、导论 (一)选题背景及意义 2006年,我国机械工业对外贸易结束建国以来持续数十年的逆差局面,实现历史性的转折,首次实现外贸顺差。随着我国机械工业国际竞争力的增强,机械工业贸易顺差不断扩大。在对外贸易额快速增长的同时,外贸结构也不断优化。机械工业整体实力得到大幅提升:产业规模高速扩张,产业发展质量不断提高,国际


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