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扁平疣的临床治疗方案 Plan of clinical treatment of flat wart Chinese name: bian ping you English name: flat-wart The wart always appears in the surface of the skin of child and puberty. Its characteristic is the prominent part appearing unsmooth and coarse and its shape is ranging from stamen to rice and hemisphere. The diagnosing bases of epidermic-wart are: the flat popular whose size is similar to the grain of rice appears in the injured region of the skin, smooth surface, existing singal, chloasma skin or normal color skin which are usually exist in the exposed skin; but it also has the characteristic of auto-vaccination; most of the patient have no subjective symptom. Once the papulars appear in group there will be the feeling of pruritus of different degree accompanied. When treat flat-wart, the identifying is very important. And we should treat it with combing oral medication and external application together. Also we can match the treatment with the physical sign, symptom of some patients and use miracle-working needle of eliminating spot to cure the illness of wart which can advance the countering treatment into a further state. For meeting this purpose, series of Hai Tang products are better choice. It doesn’t include anything that has stimulating component. It can eliminate wart smoothly steadily and protractedly and can improve the power of the skin, recover the immuniting function of the patient and there will be no trace left after treatment. Moreover, we should be good at contacting the illness, analyzing the symptom and knowing the treatment means of curing flat-wart quite well. And that is very important to the treatment of flat-wart. 扁平疣:英文名:Epidermic-wart 汉语拼音:bianpingyou 早在晋末年间,出现了我国现有的第一部外科专著《刘涓子鬼遗方》(公元944年),为龚庆宣所撰。主要内容有痈疽的鉴别诊断,总结了许多治疗金疮、痈疽、疮疖、皮肤病的经验,有内外治法处方140个,本著还有银膏治疗皮肤病的记载,比其他国家早600多年。 皮肤是人体最大的器官,被覆于机体表面,且在体表各腔口处与粘膜相移行。皮肤由表皮、真皮、皮下组织及其附属器组成,附属器包括汗腺、皮脂腺、毛发、指甲,其主要功能为:参与整个机体的平衡与外界环境的统一,具有保护、调节体温、分泌和排泄、感觉、吸收、代谢及免疫作用。一旦皮肤、粘膜、皮肤附属


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