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PAGE PAGE 1 摘 要 随着互联网的不断发展,暴力网络游戏逐渐成为人们上网的主要目的之一。调查显示,青少年是暴力网络游戏的主体。他们心理发展尚未完全成熟,正处于心理发展的关键阶段,以及价值观、人生观和世界观的形成期。青少年喜欢模仿,辨别能力差,容易受不良文化、思想、行为的影响,因此长期接触暴力网络游戏对青少年的心理发展产生诸多不良影响,如产生角色混乱,诱发犯罪行为,导致情感、人格、思维障碍问题,造成游戏者道德和价值观偏差,提高游戏接触者的内隐攻击性,增加攻击行为,产生暴力默化,诱发青少年暴力犯罪,并对青少年的死亡认知产生消极影响。因此要加强对青少年的教育,培养其自律能力,政府要采取措施进行积极干预,家庭、学校、社会三方相互配合,共同努力为青少年的健康成长创造出一个绿色的网络环境。因而客观看待暴力网络游戏对青少年的心理发展影响成为一项重要的课题。 本文主要采用文献分析法、访谈法从暴力网络游戏的概念和特点出发,就暴力网络游戏对于青少年心理发展的影响进行了初步的探究,分析了暴力网络游戏对于青少年心理发展产生的负面影响及其原因,并提出了减少暴力网络游戏负面影响的应对策略,以促进青少年身心健康发展。 关键词:暴力网络游戏;青少年;负面影响;策略 Abstract With the constant development of the Internet, network game has become violent people online is one of the main purposes. Investigation shows, adolescent violence network game main body. Their psychological development has not mature completely, is at a crucial stage of psychological development, as well as values, outlook on life and world view of the formation of. Teenagers like to imitate, to discern ability is poor, vulnerable to harmful culture, thought, behavior, so long-term exposure to violent online games on adolescent psychological development has many adverse effects, such as generating role confusion, evoked criminal behavior, emotion, personality, thought disorder leads to problems caused by the player, moral and value deviation, improve the game contact the implicit aggression, increased aggressive behavior, aggressive Mohua, evoked violent juvenile crime, and on adolescent death cognition have a negative impact on. Therefore, to strengthen the education of youth, cultivate their ability of self-discipline, government should take measures to active intervention, family, school, society three parties cooperate each other, joint efforts for the healthy growth of young people to create a green network environment. So the passengers to see violent online games on adolescent psychosocial development effect has become an important topic. This article mainly uses the literature analysis, interviews from the violence of t


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