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1 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 设计(论文)题目: 多点控制走?廊触摸延时? 开关电路设?计 学 院 名 称: 电子与信息?工程学院 专 业: 电子信息工?程技术 班 级: 姓 名: 学 号 指 导 教 师: 职 称 定稿日期:2010 年 月 多点控制走?廊触摸延时?开关电路设?计 摘要 当今社会人?们更加注重?节能环保,照明这一领?域也发生了?很大的变化?,从传统的白?炽灯具向L?ED照明灯?发展,照明开关电?子化进程也?从公共照明?的节电控制?开始。适宜于门厅?、楼梯和楼道?中使用的触?摸式、感应式、红外线式和?声光控式延?时自熄开关?,使公共照明?基本实现了?“人来灯亮、人离灯熄”的自动控制?,明显改善了?楼房的公共?照明效果,还能大幅度?节省公共照?明用电,照明灯的实?际使用寿命?也明显延长?。这类开关是?受到欢迎和?推广的。与公共照明?开关相比,室内用电子?式开关的技?术难度较大?。研制确有实?用价值的电?子式室内照?明开关市场?潜力可能更?大。基于555?定时器的延?时开关设计?可以很方便?的解决多点?控制走廊触?摸延时开关?电路的设计?。 关键词:触摸式电路?,555定时?器,晶体管 Multi?point? contr?ol delay? switc?h circu?it desig?n corri?dor touch? ABSTR?ACT Nowad?ays peopl?e pay more atten?tion to energ?y conse?rvati?on and envir?onmen?tal prote?ction?, light?ing in this field? is chang?ing from the tradi?tiona?l incan?desce?nt lamps? and lante?rns, LED light?ing, light?ing to the devel?opmen?t proce?ss of elect?ronic? switc?h from publi?c light?ing savin?g contr?ol. Suita?ble for the hallw?ay, stair? and haunt?ing feeli?ng, use induc?tive, infra?red type harmo?nic elect?ric type delay? from extin?guish? switc?h, make publi?c illum?e basic?ally achie?ved peopl?e who came from the light?, the light? of the autom?atic contr?ol, can signi?fican?tly impro?ve the build?ing of publi?c light?ing effec?t, still? can great?ly saves? the elect?ricit?y, flood?light? light?ing in publi?c life also signi?fican?tly prolo?ngs the actua?l use. The switc?h is welco?med and promo?tion. Compa?red with the publi?c light?ing switc?h, indoo?r use elect?ronic? switc?h techn?ology?. Devel?opmen?t is the pract?ical value? of the elect?ronic? indoo?r light?ing switc?h may be great?er marke?t poten?tial. Based? on the desig?n of the delay? switc?h 555 timin?g can be easil?y solve? multi?point? contr?ol de


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