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PAGE 农产品物流金融服务模式现状、问题与对策研究 摘要:伴随着我国成为世界贸易组织中的成员国之一,我国的物流行业得到了快速的发展。在为我国物流行业的整体发展感到欣喜的同时,我们应该清醒的认识到:作为物流发展过程中的一种特殊形式,农村物流的发展却相对滞后,已然成为物流发展中最为薄弱的环节。农村物流作为现代物流的一个分支,是加快我国新农村建设,发展农村经济的一个新的增长点,虽然日益得到党和国家越来越为广泛的关注,但农村物流在发展历程中还是逐渐暴露出了很多不足,如基础设施落后、物流成本过高、专业化及社会化程度低、物流体系还尚不完善等。但我们如果稍加分析,就不难发现,这其中最为根本的原因则在于缺乏强有力的金融创新。 基于目前我国现代农村物流建设所面临的困境,本论文对我国现代农村物流金融服务模式进行全面整合、对农产品物流金融模式的设计、农产品物流金融制度的设计、农村物流金融组织产权制度的安排等方面问题进行了较为全面 和系统的研究。 摘要没有紧紧抓住主题,你要写的是农产品物流金融模式,不要总写农产品物流。 关键词:农村物流;物流金融;融通仓;农村金融;金融中心,更为重要的关键词应该是金融服务模式 Abstract:In recent years, especially with our country becomes the world trade organization of the member states, Chinas logistics industry obtained fast development. For our country in the overall development of the logistics industry was delighted at the same time, we should awareness of the: as a logistics development in the process of a kind of special form, the development of rural logistics is relatively lags behind, the development of the logistics has become the most vulnerable part of. Rural logistics as a branch of modern logistics, is the acceleration of Chinas new countryside construction, developing the rural economy of a new growth point, although increasingly be party and country to a wide range of more and more attention, but the countryside logistics in development process or gradually exposed so many shortcomings, such as infrastructure backwardness, the high cost of logistics, specialization and socialization degree is low, the logistics system is not perfect, etc. But if we slightly analysis, it is not difficult to discover, this one of the most fundamental reason lies in the absence of strong financial innovation. Based on the construction of modern logistics in China at present the difficulties, the subject on our modern logistics rural financial operation modes are integrated to the agricultural products, the pattern design of logistics financial, agricultural product logistics of the financial system design, the rural financial organization sy


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