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l 科类 工 科 编号(学号) 本科生毕业论文(设计) 市售普洱茶及其发酵过程样中残存沙门氏菌的检测分析 Detection and analysis of the remnants of the Salmonella in commercial and pile-up samples of Pu-er tea 指导教师: 职称 教授 云南农业大学 昆明 黑龙潭 学 院: 食品科学技术学院 专 业: 食品质量与安全 年级: 论文(设计)提交日期: 年5月 答辩日期: 年6月 答辩委员会主任: 云南农业大学 年 6 月 市售普洱茶及其发酵过程样中残存沙门氏菌的检测分析 (云南农业大学食品科学技术学院,昆明 650201) 摘 要 【研究目的】研究市售普洱茶中有害微生物沙门氏菌的变化,沙门氏菌在市售普洱茶中的残存情况。明确不同产地、类型沙门氏菌的残存情况以及普洱茶的饮用安全性。【方法】本试验采用沙门氏菌的快速测定,利用沙门氏菌专用培养基。【结果】沙门氏菌在市售普洱茶和发酵过程翻堆样中被检测出来,不同产地、类型普洱茶对沙门氏菌残留没有影响;普洱茶在发酵过程中沙门氏菌残留变化没有规律,但呈下降趋势。成品普洱茶中沙门氏菌检出最少。【结论】总体而言,随着翻堆次数的增加,沙门氏菌的含量呈下降趋势;市售普洱茶中沙门氏菌含量极低,有较高的饮用安全性。 关键词:普洱茶;沙门氏菌;市售;培养基。 Detection and analysis of the remnants of the Salmonella in commercial and pile-up samples of Pu-er tea Gu feng (Faculty of Food Science and Technology, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201) ABSTRACT 【OBJECTIVE】Researched in the market Pu'er tea, the harmful microorganism salmonella's change, Salmonella's in market Pu'er tea surviving situation. Clear about the different habitat and the type salmonella's surviving situation as well as the Pu'er tea drinks the security;【METHOD】The experiment uses the salmonella bacillus the fast determination, the use salmonella bacillus special-purpose culture medium【RESULTS】The result indicated: The salmonella in the market Pu'er tea and the fermented course is examined. The different habitat and the type Pu'er tea remains to the salmonella has not affected.Pu'er tea in the fermentation process of salmonella did not change the law residue.But the downward trend. In the end product Pu'er tea is at least in the detection of Salmonella. 【CONCLUSION】Overall,With the increase in the number frequency of pile-up, the market Pu'er tea the salmonella bacillus content is extremely low.This Pu'er tea has A higher degree of safety of drinking Key words: Pu'er tea; Salmonella; market;


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