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温州大学瓯江学院 WENZHOU UNIVERSITY OUJIANG COLLEGE 本科毕业设计(论文) ( 2011届) 题 目: 电信营业运营系统 (后台部分) 专 业: 班 级: 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 职 称: 完成日期: 摘 要 电信运营系统中,电信计费系统是主要的支撑系统,占有重要地位电信计费系统是电信运营商的核心竞争力之一愈来愈被认同。计费系统中的数据蕴含着企业经营态势、客户群分布特征及消费习惯、各项业务发展状况等丰富而极具价值的信息,对这些数据进行充分的分析,可以为运营商的领导决策层了解用户需求,制定市场策略提供有力的支持。本系统是一个计费的系统,要想对用户进行准确的收费,首先必须能够获得用户使用开放实验室的准确的使用记录,采集子系统正是为了获取这些记录而提供的。然后通过整合子系统将采集的数据整理并持久化。再通过前台运营管理系统对持久化的数据进行操作、管理。在这个项目中,电信计费JAVA;数据采集 Abstract In Telecom Systems, Telecom Billing System is the main support system, which occupies important position. The view that Telecom Billing System for Telecom operators is one of the core competences is more and more recognized by the industry. Telecom Billing System contains the data in the business situation, the distribution of characteristics of customers and consumer habits, such as the business development of rich and valuable information on these data. The full analysis on them, operators can provide the leadership decision-making level understanding of user needs, development of marketing strategy to provide strong support. This system is a billing system, want to users accurately charges,First must be able to obtain users open laboratory accurate use log,Acquisition subsystem is to obtain these records and provide, Then through the integration of the data collected subsystem will organize and persistent,。Again through the front desk operation management system for persistent data operation, management。In this project, in the telecommunications market competition growing environment,Telecom operators how to profit? How to adapt to the customers personalized needs?How to occupy the market?What in be in a better position to compete?These is undoubtedly telecom operators thinking and decision-making problem。In the present no exaggeration to say that in telecom operating within the industry


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