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中文摘要 黄河自古为中原之患,到北宋时期黄河决溢更加频繁,水患肆虐。因此,朝廷十分 重视黄河的治理,从中央到地方有一整套防治机构。随着北宋河工堤防埽坝技术的发展, 河工队伍逐渐壮大,并且具有稳定性的专业治河技术队伍,开始长期驻守在黄河上,形 成埽所。北宋时期在沿黄河中下游诸州县设置众多埽所,组成了北宋防治黄河的基层水 利机构。治理黄河的 “埽”,在北宋时期已经成为专门的水利工程术语,广泛地应用于 护理河堤,堵塞决口。埽的制作是一项庞大而复杂的工程,有专业的技术人员,需要大 量的物料,各种的器具,并选择适合的场地进行制作。埽所的分布是根据黄河的走向, 河堤的情况设置,时有废置。埽所长期驻有埽兵,备有埽料,设有监埽官吏,其上有河 埽司主管埽料、制埽与埽岸,以加固河堤或堵塞决口,并巡视河堤、记工采料、合调役 夫等。北宋政府对埽所有一套成熟的管理制度,如官员的派遣,埽所兵员的配置,治河 物料的管理,以及责任的追究,都规章制度可循。北宋治河机构庞大而完备,在黄河下 游形成了专职河官与地方河官相结合的河防体系,在黄河河患的防治与河堤的维护上发 挥着巨大的作用。 关键词:北宋;黄河;埽所 I ABSTRACT IIIThe risk of the Yellow River since ancient times for the Central Plains, to the Northern Song Dynasty of the Yellow River dike more frequent and rampant flooding. Therefore, the court attached great importance to the governance of the Yellow River, has a set of central and local control agencies. The Fascine dam of river embankment dam with the Northern Song Dynasty and technological development, river engineering team grew, and the long-term, stable and has a professional technical team river, perennial stationed in the Yellow River, the formation of the Flood control station. Northern Song period County, along the Yellow River states were set by a number of the Flood control station, the Flood control station is composed of the Northern Song Dynasty of primary prevention of the Yellow River water bodies. Governance of the Yellow Rivers river construction in the Northern Song Dynasty water project has become a special term, widely used in nursing embankment, plug breaches. Production of the Fascine dam is a large and complex projects, a professional technical staff, requires a lot of material, all kinds of vessels, and select the appropriate venue for production. Flood control station the distribution is based on the trend of the Yellow River, river bank of the situation set, when abandoned. The long-term Flood control station of the soldiers stationed in the river, the river is available materials, with the official regulatory river construction, the river const


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