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Chapter 3 Labor Productivity and Comparative Advantage: The Ricardian Model 2
Chapter 4 Specific Factors and Income Distribution 13
Chapter 5 Resources and Trade: The Heckscher-Ohlin Model 22
Chapter 6 The Standard Trade Model 31
Chapter 7 Economies of Scale, imperfect Competition, and International Trade 41
Chapter 8 International Factor Movements 50
Chapter 9 The Instruments of Trade Policy 60
答案 81
Chapter 3: Labor Productivity and Comparative Advantage - The Ricardian Model
Multiple Choice Questions
Countries trade with each other because they are _______ and because of ______.
A. different, costs
B. similar, scale economies
C. different, scale economies
D. similar, costs
None of the above.
Trade between two countries can benefit both countries if
each country exports that good in which it has a comparative advantage.
each country enjoys superior terms of trade.
each country has a more elastic demand for the imported goods.
each country has a more elastic supply for the supplied goods.
Both C and D.
The Ricardian theory of comparative advantage states that a country has a comparative advantage in widgets if
output per worker of widgets is higher in that country.
that countrys exchange rate is low.
wage rates in that country are high.
the output per worker of widgets as compared to the output of some other product is higher in that country.
Both B and C.
In order to know whether a country has a comparative advantage in the production of one particular product we need information on at least ____unit labor requirements
A country engaging
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