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Unit 1 Do you like computer class? 第一单元 你喜欢计算机课吗? Listen and say 听录音,说一说 Henry is talking with Xiao Hui on the way to school. 亨利正在上学路上跟小惠说话。 Hi, Xiao Hui. Nice to see you again. 你好,小惠。又见到你很高兴。 Nice to see you, too. 见到你我也很高兴。 This term we have a new subject. 这学期我们有一门新的科目。 What is it? 是什么? Computer. Do you like computer class? 计算机。你喜欢计算机课吗? Yes, I do. Its fun. 是的,我喜欢。它很好玩。 I like it, too. 我也很喜欢。 English Chinese math easy difficult 英语 语文 数学 简单的 困难的 Listen and read 听录音,读一读 ai train rain plain 火车 雨 平原 A train is running through the plain in the rain. 一辆火车在雨中驶过平原。 Read, think and answer 阅读,思考并回答问题 Hi, Xiao Hui. Whats this? 你好,小惠。这是什么? Its Chinese Fu. 这是中文“福”。 Whats the meaning? 是什么意思呢? Blessing. Do you like Chinese? 祝福。你喜欢中文吗? Yes, I do. I like it very much, but its difficult. 是的,我喜欢。我非常喜欢,但是它很难。 Dont worry. I can help you. 别担心,我可以帮你。 7 Lets chant 7 大家齐声唱 Whats his favorite class? English! English! English! Whats her favorite class? Chinese! Chinese! Chinese! Whats your favorite class? Guess, guess, please! (歌曲) Unit 2 What subject do you like? 第二单元 你喜欢什么科目? Listen and say 听录音,说一说 Linda and Billy are talking in the classroom. 琳达和比利在教室里交谈。 What subject do you like, Billy? 你喜欢什么科目,比利? I like PE. How about you? 我喜欢体育。你呢? I dont like PE. 我不喜欢体育。 Why not? 为什么不喜欢呢? Im not good at sports. I like music. 我不擅长运动。我喜欢音乐。 Music is interesting, too. 音乐也很有趣。 PE体育 music音乐 art美术 science科学 interesting有趣的 Listen and read 听录音,读一读 ar park star car Mark 停车 星星 汽车 马克 Mark parks his car on the star. 马克把他的汽车停在星空下。 Read, think and answer 阅读,思考并回答问题 What subject do you like? 你们喜欢什么科目? We like PE. 我们喜欢体育。 OK. Lets have a PE class now. 好的。咱们现在上体育课吧。 Great! 好极了! Hands up! Hands down! Touch your toes. 把手举起!把手放下!摸摸你的。 Oh, my cap! 哦,我的帽子! Turn left. Turn right. Turn around. 向左转。向右转。向后转。 Oh, no, my head! 哦,不,我的头! Ha! Ha! 哈哈! Listen, match and write 听录音,搭配并写出来(听力练习) A joke 笑话 Hey, Joe, I had a great day! 嘿,乔,我这一天过得很棒! Really? 真的吗? Yes. I had science today. Science is fun! Do you


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