人教版新目标九年级unit 3 Section A 详细课件.ppt

人教版新目标九年级unit 3 Section A 详细课件.ppt

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人教版新目标九年级unit 3 Section A 详细课件.ppt

翻译下列词组。 1.买一些邮票 ________________ 2. 得到关于…的信息 ________________________ 3.打扰了 ______________ 4.向左/右转 _____________ 5.经过书店 _________________ 6.在…和…之间 _______________ 7.在左/右边 ________________ 8.在那边 ______________ 9.在二楼 ________________ 10.买一双鞋 ________________ Unit3 1 buy some stamps get some information about excuse me turn left/right go past the bookstore between … and …. on the left/right over there on the second floor get a pair of shoes 翻译下列词组。 1.加油,过来 ________ 2.握住我的手___________ 3.听起来完美 _____________ 4. Bob叔叔的餐馆 ____________________ 5.在去……的路上 ______________ 6.路过,经过 ___________ 7.摇滚乐队_________ 2 come on hold my hand sound perfect Uncle Bob’s restaurant on the way to... pass by a rock band 翻译下列词组。 1.买些药 ________________ 2.沿着大街 _______________ 3.我不确定 ________________ 4. Central Library_____________ 3 buy some medicine go along the street I’m not sure 中心图书馆 翻译下列词组。 1.一个吃饭的好地方 _____________ 2.询问 ___________ 3.当然可以 __________ 4.精美艺术博物馆 ___________________ 5. 你能告诉我在襄阳是否有一个好的博物馆? ________________________________________________________? 4 a good place to eat ask about of course the Fine Arts Museum Could you tell me if there is a good museum in Xiangyang 翻译下列词组。 1.有礼貌的寻求帮助 __________________ 2.听起来不礼貌______________ 3.取决于;依赖__________ 4.学会怎样有礼貌 ___________________ 5.例如 ________ 6.导入请求 ___________________ 7. 对不起,麻烦你了,但…… ____________________________ 8.问直接的问题 __________________ 9.听起来更加有礼貌 _______________ 5 ask for help politely sound impolite depend on learn how to be polite such as lead in to a request I’m sorry to trouble you but... ask direct questions sound more polite buy some stamps and postcards post office 邮局 Guessing game Step 1 准备与热身(Preparation) buy books bookstore n. 书店 museum n. 博物馆 show some old things take a shower washroom n. 洗手间; 厕所 bathroom n. 浴室; 洗手间 wash your hands buy some food and drink supermarket n. 商场, 购物中心 Could you tell me where I can buy some stamps? buy so


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