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风景园林专业本科人才培养计划Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Landscape architecturel 一、培养目标 Educational Objectives 风景园林设计是培养This professional training in the field of landscape architecture has certain arts and humanities accomplishment, to master the basic theory of landscape architecture, knowledge and skills, has the landscape architecture planning and design, urban planning and design, scenic spots, and various types of urban green space planning and design of creative ability, modeling ability, expression ability, can in urban construction, landscape and other departments engaged in landscape architecture planning and design, construction and applied talents. 二、基本规格要求独立进行风景园林设计工作,并This specialty mainly study the basic theories of landscape architecture design and the basic knowledge, the cultivation of the students through landscape design thinking, design method and design skills of basic training, have the basic quality of professional ability and innovation consciousness. 1.掌握风景园林设计专业的基本理论和基本知识; 1. The master of landscape architecture design professional basic theory and basic knowledge; 2.掌握风景园林设计的基本技能和方法; 2. Master the basic skills and methods of the landscape architecture design; 3.具有熟悉相关软件、并熟练运用相关软件及手绘技能表达设计创意的能力; 3. Be familiar with related software, has a good command of related software and drawing skills, ability to communicate design ideas; 4. 了解中外园林的发展规律园林交叉学科的相关知识、以及 4. Understand the landscape architecture specialty development trends at home and abroad and relevant policies and regulations; 5.具有独立进行风景园林设计和用多种方式表达设计意图能力; 5. e independent of landscape architecture design and the ability to communicate design intent in various ways 6.具有阅读、处理本专业英文资料的能力,以及。 6. Has the ability of reading and processing data in this professional English, and master the basic method of literature search, data query.三、、学制与学位修业年限:四年授予学位:学士、学时与学分Total Credits:184 1.课堂教学: 学时/学分: 2368 / 148 占总学分的比例: 80 %; ⅰ.Classroom Teaching: Hours/Credits: 2368 / 148 The Proportion of T


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