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Ruby for
Java Programmers
CS 169 Spring 2012
Armando Fox
•Three pillars of Ruby (§3.1)
•Everything is an object, and every operation
is a method call (§3.2–3.3)
•OOP in Ruby (§3.4)
•Reflection and metaprogramming (§3.5)
•Functional idioms and iterators (§3.6)
•Duck typing and mix-ins (§3.7)
•Blocks and Yield (§3.8)
Ruby 101(ELLS §3.1)
Armando Fox
© 2012 Armando Fox David Patterson
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Ruby is...
•Everything is an object
•Every operation is a method call on some object
•Dynamically typed: objects have types, but
variables don’t
•add, modify code at runtime (metaprogramming)
•ask objects about themselves (reflection)
•in a sense all programming is metaprogramming
Naming conventions
•ClassNames use UpperCamelCase
class FriendFinder ... end
•methods variables use snake_case
def learn_conventions ... end
def faculty_member? ... end
def charge_credit_card! ... end
•CONSTANTS (scoped) $GLOBALS (not scoped)
TEST_MODE = true $TEST_MODE = true
•symbols: immutable string whose value is itself
favorite_framework = :rails
:rails.to_s == rails
rails.to_sym == :rails
:rails == rails # = false
Variables, Arrays, Hashes
•There are no declarations!
•local variables must be assigned before use
•instance class variables ==nil until assigned
•OK: x = 3; x = foo
•Wrong: Integer x=3
•Array: x = [1,two,:three]
x[1] == two ; x.length==3
•Hash: w = {a=1, :b=[2, 3]}
w[:b][0] == 2
w.keys == [a, :b]
•Everything (except fixnums) is pass-by-reference
def foo(x,y)
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