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关于完善老年服务和长期护理制度的思考与建议 Thoughts and suggestions on how to improve the elderly care services and the LTC system in China 中国人民大学 李 珍 LI Zhen, Renmin University of China 来自国际比较的几点总结 Some conclusion from internatonal comparison 第一,筹资模式的选择取决于许多因素,经济发展水平和家庭制度、长期护理的责任归属、人们对政府作用的认识是几个非常重要的因素; 第二,无论筹资制度如何,越依赖机构递送服务花费就越高,家庭的作用越大则总体费用越小。花费越高则家庭对外部的依赖程度也越高。即需求产生供给,供给的扩张反过来推动或拉动需求。 第三,福利国家曾经将长期照顾看作是国家的责任,目前价值观发生变化,认为长期照顾责任应该是个人的。 1.Financing model depends on: economy, household, LTC responsibility, expectation on government; 2. Institutional services cost more, while family costs less. Higher cost is higher dependency on external resources. Demands result in supplies, and expanded supplies drive demands. 3. For a long period, welfare states have considered LTC responsibility of the state. It is changing:people start to consider it individual‘s responsibility. 1.内容提要 Summary 2.中国养老服务制度的发展及长期护理筹资制度的探索 Retirement Service in China LTC Financing 3. 关于完善老年服务和长期护理体系的思考与建议 Thoughts and suggestions on how to improve the Senior Services and the LTC system in China 1. 内容提要 Summary 以家庭为基础,社区为依托、机构为补充、医养结合的多元福利体系已经建成。 与医疗有关的长期护理应纳入基本医疗保险,与生活有关的长期照料属私人事务,个人家庭是第一责任人。 现阶段,政府应建立长期照护津贴制度,对服务和经济能力不足的对象进行精准资助。 财政支出政策应由“补供方”为主转向以“补需方”为主。 完善健康养老、积极养老政策降低失能概率。 构建“支持和维护家庭”的养老和长期照护政策体系。 In China the pluralistic welfare system that is based on family, supported by community, supplemented by institutions, and combined with health care and elderly care has been established. Medical-related LTC should be included in the Basic Medical Insurance scheme, while private LTC should rely on individual. Government should provide subsidies to those who cannot afford to LTC services. The fiscal expenditure policy therefore should trans form from targeting the “supply-side” to confusing on the “demand-side”. The research suggests that policies regarding healthy ageing and active ageing should be improved to reduce probabilities of disability “family supporting and maintaining” policies should be bu


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