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8/29/00 S. Chopra / Demand Planning Chapter 7 Aggregate Planning in the Supply Chain Learning Objectives Identify the decisions that are best solved by aggregate planning Understand the important of aggregate planning as a supply chain activity Describe the information needed to produce an aggregate plan Explain the basic trade-offs to consider when creating an aggregate plan Formulate and solve basic aggregate planning problem using Microsoft Excel Outline Role of aggregate planning in a supply chain The aggregate planning problem Aggregate planning strategies(三种策略) Aggregate planning using linear programming Implementing linear programming for aggregate planning using Microsoft Excel Implementing aggregate planning in practice Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply Chain Capacity has a cost, lead times are greater than zero Question Should a company invest in a plant with large capacity that is able to produce enough to satisfy demand even in the busiest month? Should a company build a smaller plant but incur the costs of holding inventory built during slow period in anticipation of demand in later months? These are types of questions that aggregate planning helps companies answer Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply Chain Aggregate planning (总体计划): process by which a company determines ideal levels of capacity, production, subcontracting, inventory, stockouts, and pricing over a specified time horizon The goal is to satisfy demand while maximize profit 供应链综合计划之上,是供应链战略; 供应链综合计划之下,是企业资源计划; 综合计划介于之间。对上细化,对下驱动内部供应链,驱动“企业资源计划”。 Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply Chain Aggregate planning is an important supply chain issue To be effective, it requires inputs from throughout the supply chain, and its results have a tremendous impacts on supply chain performance. Collaborative forecasts are created by multiple supply chain enterprises and are an important input for aggregate planning Many constraints in aggregate planning come from supply chain partners ou


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