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马来西亚 Malaysia ?????? 肖乐(04),邱春燕(09),罗昕珏(03) (一) Brief introduction 基本概况 1.Basic situation: Official name:Malaysia Capital:吉隆坡KualaLumpur Area:330.000平方公里  Population:about24500 Religion:Islam Geographic location(地理位置):It is located in the southeast region of Southern,Thailand and Brunei are in its Northern,its South is Indonesia and Singapore。 Malaysia is divided into East and West Official language:Malay Common language:English, Chinese Currency(货币): Lingit(林吉特) currency coins Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy of the federal state君主立宪 National Day:August 31st The national emblem.:Unity is strength Malaysia established formal ambassadorial diplomatic relationship with China at 1974,5,31(马来西亚与中国正式建立大使级别外交关系) The National Flag 14 red and white stripes represent Malaysia monospaced original establishment of the countrys 14 states, from Singapore following independence in 1965, and represent the 13 states and the federal government the equal relationship between Red is a symbol of the martyrs in the blood shed during the period of Anti-Japanese war.The white symbolizes the purity and virtue.The blue symbolizes the unity of the people of and Commonwealth relations.New pattern symbol of the Islamic faith 。Fourteen star also known as the star, a symbol of Malaysia of thirteen states and the federal government, unite joint.Yellow is the symbol of royalty of color . 马来西亚国徽 象征马来西亚的组成及其行政区域。盾面上部列有5把入鞘的短剑,它们分别代表柔佛州、吉打州、玻璃市州、吉兰丹州和丁加奴州。盾面中间部分绘有红、黑、白、黄4条色带,分别代表雪兰莪州、彭亨州、霹雳州和森美兰州。盾面左侧绘有蓝、白波纹的海水和以黄色为地并绘有3根蓝色鸵鸟羽毛,这一图案代表槟榔屿。 盾面右侧的马六甲树代表马六甲州。盾面下端左边代表沙巴州,图案中绘有强健的褐色双臂,双手紧握沙巴州州旗。盾面下端右边绘有一只红、黑、蓝3色飞禽,代表沙捞越州。盾面下部中间的图案为马来西亚的国花──木槿,当地人称“班加拉亚”。盾徽两侧各站着一头红舌马来虎,两虎后肢踩着金色饰带,饰带上书写着格言“团结就是力量”。 social etiquettes 社交礼仪 (二)Social etiquette社交礼仪: Different Nation has different meeting etiquette. Nodding Does not shake hands with others by left hand. Touch hands Except the men’s formal contacts ,Malayan seldom touch hands with others,es


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