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解题技巧: 从间接回答中理解言外之意. 特别注意对话中的提示词、语气、语调. 降调通常表示讲话人的态度是肯定、赞同的 升调表示对事务的怀疑、惊讶或否定。 What does What does the man mean? A. He had a terrible vacation B. He remained at home all the time C. The woman asked a silly question M: Alen, …how was you vocation? W: Just don’t ask. I wish I had never had it. What does the woman imply?? A. The man is so forgetful. B. The man is too careless. C. The man is overconfident. W: Hi, John. How is your exam? M: It couldn‘t be better. W: Really?But remember this:hope for the best and be prepared for the worst. 解题技巧: 语法的运用,如虚拟语气表示与事实相反, 否定比较级结构表示最高级; It couldn’t be better. I couldn’t agree more. …; 常见提问形式 What does the man (woman) say about/think of...? How does the man (woman) feel/ like about...? Whats the mans(womans) opinion about...? What does the man think of Picasso? A. He thinks that he is the greatest Spanish painter B. He doesn’t consider him the best Spanish painter C. He is sure that he can become famous M: How do you like these paintings in the museum? W: Not too bad. M: In my opinion, Picasso is the greatest Spanish painter. Do you think so? W: Well, I’m not sure. 解题技巧: 注意对话中肯定与否定回答. 肯定回答: Yes/ Absolutely/ I agree with you… ; 否定回答: I’m sorry, I’m busy now ,I’m afraid I can’t…… 常见语气词:well—委婉否定 双胞胎原则 排斥原则 Which book has the man’s brother get? A history book B. A Chinese textbook C. An English book W: Has your brother bought his books yet? M: He bought a history book , but the Chinese and English test-book were sold out. Where does the man live now? A. In New York B. In Boston C. In Washington W: Do you enjoy life in Washington? M: Yes indeed. I’m planning to move to New York or Boston . Anyway I’ve never regretted my earlier decision Why does the woman plan to go to town? To pay her bills in the bank. B. To buy books in a bookstore. C. To get some money from the bank. 答案很可能是A或C 其他题型 其他题型 解题步骤 听前 看题目要求 看大小标题,预测场景和内容 划核心词 预测词性和答案类型 听中 核心词定位 速记答案 听后 检查(是否符合题目要求、大小写、拼写、单复数) Date 读法: 27th January 19


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