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白噪声(white?noise),整个音频频率范围内,功率密度谱均匀分布且等比例宽度的能量相等的一种噪声,换句话说,此信号在各个频段上的功率是一样的,?由于白光是由各种频率(颜色)的单色光混合而成,因而此信号的这种具有平坦功率谱的性质被称作是“白色的”,此信号也因此被称作白噪声。一般用于测试音响设备的频率响应等特性。 粉红噪声(Pink?Noise),是一种频率覆盖范围很宽的声音,低频能下降到接近0Hz(不包括0Hz)高频端能上到二十几千赫,而且它在等比例带宽内的能量是相等的(误差只不过0.1dB左右)。比如用1/3oct带通滤波器去计算分析,我们会发现,它的每个频带的电平值都是相等的(2/3oct、1/6oct、1/12oct也是一样),这就是为什么在测试声场频率特性中要用粉红噪声作为标准信号源的原因。也是一种随机测试信号。这种信号随着频率每升高一个八度,信号强度就衰减3dB,由于人耳对音量的感受是对数型的,所以“粉红噪声”这种每升高一个八度、强度就衰减3dB的特性,在人耳里听起来反而感觉每个频段的音量大小都是一致的。 振动:The oscillatory (back and forth) motion of a physical object. 噪声:Any component of a transducer signal which does not represent the variable intended to be measured. 固有频率(振动中最重要的概念):The frequency of free vibration of a mechanical system at which a specific natural mode of the system elements assumes its maximum amplitude. 强迫振动:The response vibration of a mechanical system due to a forcing function (exciting force). Typically, forced vibration has the same frequency as that of the exciting force. 自由振动:Vibration response of a mechanical system following an impulse-like initial perturbation (change of position, velocity or external force). Depending on the kind of perturbation, the mechanical system responds with free vibrations at one or more of its natural frequencies. 绝对振动:Vibration of an object as measured relative to an inertial (fixed) reference frame. Accelerometers and velocity transducers measure absolute vibration typically of machine housings or structures; thus they are referred to as seismic transducers or inertial transducers. 简谐振动:Sinusoidal vibration with a single frequency component. 赫兹:(Hz) Unit of frequency measurement in cycles per second. 频率:The repetition rate of a periodic vibration per unit of time. Vibration frequency is typically expressed in units of cycles per second (Hertz) or cycles per minute (to more easily relate to shaft rotative speed frequency). In fact, since many common machine malfunctions produce vibration which has a fixed relationship to shaft rotativ


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