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上半月出版 Casting Forging Welding 金属铸锻焊技术 电阻焊生产管理数据库系统的设计与实现 冀春涛 沈华西 蒋莉 赵平 渊南昌航空大学 航空制造与工程学院袁 江西 南昌 330063冤 摘 要院 阻焊生产需要一个高效率的管理平台袁为此构建了基于数据库技术的电阻焊生产管理系统遥基于管理者 对 阻焊信息化需求袁采用E-R 模型规范化设计方法袁以SQL Server 2005 作为平台袁开发了 阻焊生产管理数据库曰采 用可视化编程C# 语言在Visual Studio 2005 平台上开发界面遥 该系统由材料尧方法尧设备及焊工信息等管理模块组成遥 结果表明院该系统对 阻焊生产管理信息进 了科学的分类袁提供了多种方式的高效查询方法袁可实现对 阻焊生产管 理数据的有效维护遥 关键词院电阻焊曰数据库曰SQL Server 2005 曰C# 曰Visual Studio 2005 中图分类号院TG409 文献标识码院A 文章编号院 Design and Realization of Resistance Welding Production Management Data Base JI Chuntao, SHEN Huaxi, JIANG Li, ZHAO Ping (Sc hool of A v iation Manufac turing and Enginee ring, Nanc hang Hangkong Unive rs ity, Nanc hang 330063, China) Abstract 院A resistance welding production management system based on database technology was designed, for resistance welding production requires a high efficiency management platform. The standardized design method of E-R model was used to develop a resistance welding production management database with SQL Server 2005 as a platform based on the managers demands. Interfaces were realized with Visual Studio 2005. The system was consisted of materials, methods, equipments and information management modules. Results show that the system classifies scientifically the resistance welding production management information, offers many efficient searching methods and realizes effective data base maintenance. Key words 院resistance welding; database; SQL Server 2005; C#; Visual Studio 2005 阻焊作为一种重要的焊接方法袁在现代工业生 1 数据库的设计 产中有着广泛的应用袁尤其是在机械制造尧能源交通尧


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