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※成分分析 食品科学 2016, Vol.37, No.16 135
赵建涛,张 静,张雅婷,邹志荣*
(西北农林科技大学园艺学院,陕西杨凌 712100 )
摘 要:利用不同测定方法对8 份红色和粉色樱桃番茄与大果番茄的抗坏血酸含量、可溶性固形物含量、番茄红素
含量和 -胡萝卜素含量进行测定。利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪分别对8 份番茄材料果实挥发性物质和糖酸成分进行测β
8 份番茄材料中都能检测到的挥发性物质有25 种,主要是醇类、醛类、酮类和酯类物质。对8 份番茄材料聚类结
果表明,红色樱桃番茄、粉色樱桃番茄、红色大果番茄以及粉色大果番茄分别聚在一起,且4 份樱桃番茄之间的
聚类距离更近;对主要营养指标和25 种挥发性物质的主成分分析结果表明,前3 个主成分的累积方差贡献率达到
82.293% 。
Analysis of Fruit Quality Traits and Volatiles in Red and Pink Cherry and Large-Fruited Tomato Accessions
ZHAO Jiantao, ZHANG Jing, ZHANG Yating, ZOU Zhirong
(College of Horticulture, Northwest AF University, Yangling 712100, China)
Abstract: The contents of ascorbic acid, soluble solid, lycopene and beta-carotenoid were measured in 8 red and pink
cherry and large-fruited tomato accessions using routine analytical procedures. As demonstrated by gas chromatography-
mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis, the main sugars in red and pink cherry tomatoes were fructose, glucose and sucrose,
and the main organic acids were malic acid, butanedioic acid and citric acid. Twenty-five volatiles were co-detected in 8
tomato accessions, consisting mainly of alcohols, aldehydes, ketones and esters. Cluster analysis led to four groups: red and
pink cherry tomatoes as well as red large-fruited and pink large-fruited tomatoes, showing a closer distance to each other.
The principal component analysis of the main nutritional traits and the 25 detected volatiles showed that the first three
components accounted for over 82.293% of the total cumulative variance.
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