
03阿托品atrpine——山东大学药理学英文03Intrctin ACh atrpine.ppt

03阿托品atrpine——山东大学药理学英文03Intrctin ACh atrpine.ppt

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03阿托品atrpine——山东大学药理学英文03Intrctin ACh atrpine

pharmacological actions 1. glands: secretion↓ salivary, sweat lacrimal, respiratory gastric acid , pancreatic, intestinal juice 2. eyes (1) mydriasis (2) increase intraocular pressure (3) paralysis of accommodation 3. splanchnic smooth muscle: relaxation (spasmodic) GI tract, detrusor muscle of bladder: significant Bile tract, bronchial, uterine (子宫): weak 4. heart: (1)HR Therapeutic dose: decrease (presynaptic M1blockade) Large dose: increase (block vagal effect on M2 –R) (2) A-V conduction: 5.vessels: dilation( in large dose) (1) Direct effect (2)Compensative reaction by temperature rise 6.CNS: excitation Organ sensitivity: Gland >eye >splanchnic smooth muscle >cardiovascular system >CNS. Clinical Uses 1. Anti-smooth muscle spasm 2.? Pre-anaesthesia medication agent 3.? Ophthalmological use (1) iridocyclitis (2) optometry (3) examination of retina 4. Bradyarrhythmias 5.?Shock (septic shock ):Cautions 6. Intoxication of organophosphate adverse reactions 1.Common Side Effects 2. Acute Poisoning minimal lethal dose: adults – 80~130mg children-- 10mg Prevention 1. Decontamination: to prevent further absorption 2. Antidotes: Parasympathomimetics 3. Maintenance of vital signs contraindictions Glaucoma prostatic hypertrophy anisodamine(654-2) 山莨菪碱 Characteristic of actions 1.high selectivity(smooth muscle and vessels) 2.little side effect (not pass through BBB) Uses 1.septic shock 2.visceral colics. Scopolamine(东莨菪碱) [Characteristics] 1.CNS actions: depression (strong) 2.peripheral actions: glands: strong others: weak Uses: 1.preanaesthesia medication 2. prevention motion sickness 3. Parkinson disease 4. traditional medicine anaesthesia 中药麻醉 华佗(公元141~203年) “麻沸散” 曼陀罗(洋金花 ) 徐州医学院附属医院:中药麻醉汤(针剂) 东莨菪碱 Section 2 Synthetic atropine substitutes Synthetic Mydriatics Synthetic Antispasmatics Selective M1 A


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