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DOI :10.13959/j.issn.1003 -2398.2003.02.010 18  2     Vol.18, No.2     2003 4              HUMAN GEOGRA HY               Apr.2003  :1003—2398 (2003)02—0045—04 ,  , (,  200234) ANALYSISON RESIDENTIAL DIFFERENCE AND RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTOF THE FAMILY WITH THE AGED IN SHANGHAI CHU Jin-feng, TANG Yan, WANG Wen-hua (D ep ar tm en t of Geograp hy , S hanghai Teacher sUn iversity , S hanghai 200234, Ch ina ) Abstract:Shanghai is the first cit that enters into aging societ in China.B the end of 1999, the el- derl population aged over 60 ears (including 60)is 2.38 million, w hich is 18.2 %of general popula- tion, and aged over 65 ears is 1.81 million, 13.8%of the total.According to the situation of econo- m development and its prospect, traditional ethic, obligation of oung generation for old-age depen- denc , famil -caring mode is and will be the most important elder-caring s stem in Shanghai.Putting famil in the core position for the elderl person, famil -caring mode in this paper means communit service is necessar for supplement and w elfare institute for assurance.This thee parts consist of a car- ing s stem for the elderl people.Under famil -caring mode, the elderl person spends most of the time in the house.Obviousl , the elderl person becomes far more dependent on his residential house than other people in different age-phrase does.That means residential condition is much more impor- tant for the elderl person.This paper discusses some problems on elder-caring s stem in all the kinds of famil w ith the aged. Based on the surve of sampling in Shanghai, the author dif



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