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A Social Survey--My Neighbourhood Second floor Read about the homes of the two students for some information. Questions??? 1.Where does Zhang Hua live? 2.Whom does Zhuang Hua live with? 3. Which floor does Zhuang Hua’s family live? 4.Where does Lin Xiaoyun live? 5. How far is her home away from Dalian? 6.What is her house made of ? Pair work: Describe your homes to us HOMEWORK Preview the passage on Page 32 A Lively City on their land two storeys high be made of local stone on the third floor a five-storey apartment block Lin Xiaoyun’s home in the countryside in southern Liaoning about fifty miles away from the city of Dalian Zhang Hua’s home in the south of China in the city of Guangzhou in a surburb in the northeast of the city Their teaching building is a ____________ building. Their teaching building has ________ __________. Their teaching building is ____ ______ _______. five storeys high five storeys five-storey Write three or four sentences describing your home or your ideal home. brief self-introduction 简要自我介绍 location 位置 household 家庭 house 房子 busy quiet huge peaceful lovely modern noisy attractive traditional * * * * * * Introduction Vocabulary and writing 学习目标: 1. 能学会一些关于建筑物的单词,理解文章中短语的用法。 2. 能从文章中获取和处理主要信息,并运用所学词汇仿照文章描述自己的居住地。 3. 培养热爱家乡的情感。 apartment block apartment kitchen living- room bath-room bedroom study five-storey high-rise building city countryside land away from towns and cities and used for agriculture suburb district outside the central part of a town or city stone a house made of stone brick apartment apartment block five-storey high-rise building (second) floor countryside suburb stone mile local Do you know the meaning of the following words? apartment apartment block five-storey high-rising building (second) floor stone Words used to describe buildings * * * * * *


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