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题目:中国侠义精神与西方骑士精神之比较 院系:外国语学院 专业:英语 申请学位:文学学士 ABSTRACT As the culture spirit abstracted from folk literary works, Chinese chivalrous spirit and western knight spirit have historically been popular in labouring people. Both sides of comparison between them. Such as being martial and gusty, veracious and faithful, equal and justicial. However, Chinese chivalrous men were considered to be offender of the social and ideologies. Comparing differences in the thought of social status, the relationship between development of destiny and the system, can be more profound understanding of Chinese martial arts novels of chivalry culture and the extensive development. This paper used the existing research of domestic and international authoritative scholars and a lot of Chinese and foreign data to elaborate the meaning of the two masculine culture. This paper is based on the stories and the characters in Chinese and foreign famous literary works, aiming to make us more deeply understand the connotation of the two kinds of spirit. Thus, we can incorporate things of diverse nature and legitimation construction process by advocating chivalrous actions. Keywords : Chivalrous, knight spirit, comparison , faith, legal society. 摘要 作为从文学作品中抽象出来的文化精神,以侠客和骑士为代表的中国侠义和西方骑士精神在历史上都曾为受苦受难的大众所景仰。双方有很多的共同信念,而这些信念构成了它们之间比较的基础,比如尚武轻死,重诺守信,公平正义。然而,它们一个是“以武犯禁”的社会秩序的破坏者,一个是笃信上帝的卫道士,一个是受尽打压的民间精神,一个是王公贵族的崇高理想。他们在意识形态,行为方式,价值取向和组织形式上均存在重大差异,而且它们的起源,形成和发展从一个方面解释了东西方两种文化传统的相似和不同。 本文利用国内外权威学者已有的研究成果和大量的中外文资料,以《水浒传》《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》等中外著名文学作品中的人物和故事为背景,阐述了中国侠义精神和西方骑士精神两种相似的阳刚文化,旨在使我们更深刻地认识两种精神的内涵,从而做到兼收并蓄,互相学习,并且希望通过倡导侠义行为推动我国精神文明和法治化建设进程。 关键词: 侠义;骑士精神;比较;信仰;法治社会 目录 1引言.............................................................. 2文献综述.......................................................... 2.1国内外研究成果................................


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