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LOGO Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? 教学目标: 语言知识目标: 1) 学习掌握下列词汇:sugar, cheese, popcorn , corn, machine, dig, hole 2)进行一步复习巩固学习Section A 部分所学的生词和词组。 3)掌握正确用how much和how many对事物 的数量进行提问。 4) 能够熟练运用所学的知识,来正确描述做 简单食物的过程,正确运用表示顺序的词。 Words and expressions sugar cheese popcorn corn machine dig hole n.食糖 n.干酪;奶酪 n.爆米花 n.玉米;谷物 n.机器;机械装置 v.掘;凿;挖 n.洞;孔;坑 Let’s chant Peel, peel, peel the banana. Cut, cut, cut up the banana. Pour, pour, pour the milk. Turn, turn, turn on the blender. What salad do you like to make ? How do you make it? How do you make a banana milk shake? Please recall… First, peel the banana. Next, put the bananas in the blender. Then, pour the milk into the blender. Finally, turn on the blender. Pair works ----How many bananas do we need? ----We need three bananas. ----How much yogurt so we need? ----We need one cup of yogurt, 可数 不可数 1. How many bananas do we need? 我们需要多少香蕉? How many 是疑问词, 表示“多少”, 后面需跟复数名词。 询问多少人或物的句型是: How many +复数名词 + 一般疑问句。 Grammar focus 如: How many boats can you see? 你能看到多少只船? How many apples would you like? 你想要几个苹果? How many books are there on the desk? 桌上有多少本书? 2. How much 对不可数名词进行提问, 表示“多少”, 后面跟不可数名词。如: — How much honey do we need? 我们需要多少蜂蜜? — We need one teaspoon of honey. 我们需要一茶匙蜂蜜。 How much rice do you want? 你想要多少大米? How much money do you have? 你有多少钱? 注意: money 是不可数名词。 3. 英语中量的表达方法分为三种类型: ① 表示容器的名词 + of a cup of tea, three bottles of milk. ② 表示单位的名词 + of a piece of paper seven piles of rice (七堆米) ③ 其他词 + of some of the apples 4. 可数名词有单数和复数两种形式,如: bananas, tomatoes 不可数名词没有单、复数形式; 可数名词单数前面可用不定冠词a (an); 不可数名词前不能有a (an); 可数名词复数可用 a few, many 等修饰; 不可数名词则用 a little, much 等修饰。 询问可数名词的“多少”用ho


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