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电动行李牵引车车架设计和优化   摘 要:新时期,随着我国能源结构改革和电动车电池技术的日趋成熟,以电力为驱动动力的电动车辆正逐步地应用于机场专用车辆中。行李牵引车是机场专用车辆中的一种同时也是极为重要的一种,其主要用于机场与飞机之间的行李摆渡牵引。在采用电力作为行李牵引车的驱动动力时,由于其与传统燃油车辆的不同需要对行李牵引车的车架进行重新设计。车架主要用于承担车辆自身以及安装在车辆上的动力系统以及其他附件的装置,同时在车架的设计中还需要确保车架能够承担起车辆在行驶的过程中由于各类复杂工况所引起的复杂的载荷。与传统的以燃油为动力的行李牵引车车架不同的是以电力为动力的行李牵引车的车架在承载力以及配载方式及结构上有着较大的差异。文章在分析电动行李牵引车车架承载载荷的基础上对某一型号的电动行李牵引车车架的设计进行了分析阐述。   关键词:电动行李牵引车;车架;设计   中图分类号:U469 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-2945(2018)09-0124-02   Abstract: In the new era, with the reform of energy structure and the maturation of electric vehicle battery technology in China, electric vehicles driven by electric power are gradually used in airport special vehicles. Baggage tractor is one of the most important vehicles in airport, mainly used in the baggage ferry traction between the airport and the aircraft. When the electric power is used as the driving power of the baggage tractor, because of its difference from the traditional fuel vehicles, it needs to redesign the frame of the baggage tractor. The frame is mainly used to undertake the vehicle itself and the power system installed on the vehicle as well as other accessories. At the same time, in the design of the frame, it is necessary to ensure that the frame can bear the complex load caused by various complicated working conditions in the course of driving. There are great differences in the bearing capacity, stowage mode and structure of the electric baggage tractor frame. Based on the analysis of the load bearing load of the electric baggage tractor frame, this paper draws a certain type of electric baggage. The design of the frame of the lead car is analyzed and expounded.   Keywords: electric baggage tractor; frame; design   前言   行李?恳?车是机场使用活跃度极高的一种机坪设备。现今的电动行李牵引车在设计中主要面临着牵引动力小及爬坡度较低两个方面的问题。因此需要对电动行李牵引车的车架进行重新设计与调整应以提高电动行李牵引车的使用性能。   1 电动行李牵引车运行过程中动力参数的选取   电动行李牵引车是以电力为驱动动力的机场专用车辆。为做好电动行李牵引车车架设计首先需要对电动行李牵引车的各项动力参数进行确定。某一型号电动行李牵引车在设计的过程中结合电动行李牵引车的实际运行情况规定电动行李牵引车所需要的最大牵引力为42kN,牵引拖车数量在5±1节的区间范围内,单节拖车的净重为5t左右,规定电


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