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龙 瀛 孙立君 陶 遂 基于公共交通智能卡数据的城市研究综述 基于公共交通智能卡数据的城市 研究综述* 龙 瀛 孙立君 陶 遂 提 要 基于智能卡的公共交通自动计 AReviewofUrbanStudiesBasedonTransitSmartCardData 费系统的广泛应用产生了大量的基于个体 LONGYing,SUNLijun,TAOSui 的微观时空数据。这种数据不仅记录了持 卡者的出行行为,同时也在个体维度揭示 Abstract: The wide application of smart card for automated fare collection in pub- 了城市空间的使用模式。由于其时空信息 lic transit systems has produced large quantities of spatial-temporal data at an indi- 丰富、成本低、样本量大的优势,公交卡 vidual level. Such data not only records mobility behavior of cardholders, but al- 数据受到了越来越多的城市/交通规划研 so reveals the spatial functions of cities. Owing to its high spatial-temporal resolu- 究者的青睐,开始在城市规划研究中发挥 tion, low cost and large quantity, transit smart card data attract a lot of attention 着日益重要的作用。本文主要总结了公共 from urban/transport planners and urban researchers. This article presents a com- 交通智能卡数据在定量城市研究中的应 prehensive review of the latest quantitative urban studies enabled by smart card 用,综述并比较了国际国内基于公共交通 data from both China and overseas. The review covers the following four aspects: 智能卡数据研究的最近进展。综述涵盖了 (1) data processing and origin-destination inference, (2) transit operation and man- (1)数据处理与起讫推算,(2)公共交通系 agement, (3) spatial structure of cities, and (4) mobility behavior and social net- 统的运行与管理,(3) 城市空间结构分 works. Finally, the review summarizes existing studies and gives a brief introduc- 析,以及(4) 出行行为与社会网络等四个 tion to issues of privacy protection and information extraction. Areas of future re- 方面。最后,总结了已有研究,简要介绍 search are also pointed out. 了隐私保护和信息获取等问题,并指出未 Keywords: transit systems; urban spatial structure; ur


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