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新GRE 阅读逻辑10 套 (GRE-RC-Logic-10, 2014.01 ) 目 录 新GRE 阅读逻辑10 套 1 提示 2 练习1 1 练习2 8 练习3 15 练习4 22 练习5 30 练习6 37 练习7 44 练习8 51 练习9 59 练习10 67 答案 76 提 示 1. 按目前能够看到的电子材料,新GRE 考试(Computer-based)每个Verbal Section 都会出现 1-2 道逻辑单题, 两个section 共有2-3 道题,内容主要是非学术类的社会生活话题。逻辑单题的文章长度通常在40-80 字, 题目的五个选项也许比原文更长。这些题目恢复了多年以前古老的GRE 的逻辑题。在GMAT 与LSAT 考 试中,这类题目一直存在,市场上有成熟的应对策略。 2. 我们编选了95-99 年老GRE 的逻辑单题作为新GRE 逻辑单题的训练材料。本材料共汇集 10 个练习,每个 练习11-15 道题不等。每道题最好控制在 1-1.5 分钟完成。建议第一遍时一定卡时间练习。所有 10 个练习 共计 132 道逻辑单题,数量已经足够;反复训练这些题目,应对新GRE 逻辑单题应该没有困难。 3. 建议进行循环训练:每个练习的所有题目做3-4 遍归纳总结以后,再做新的练习。 4. 练习8、9、10 的题目已经分散放在“新GRE 阅读理解36 套(GRE-RC-36. 2014.01 )” 中,在训练逻辑题时 可先不做,以避免在阅读36 套的模拟训练中失去真实感。 5. 欢迎同学和朋友们以各种方式对本材料提出改善的建议。 练习1 1. Patel: Although enrollment in the regions high 2. Peter: More than ever before in Risland, college school has been decreasing for several graduates with science degrees are accepting permanent years, enrollment at the elementary school jobs in other fields. That just goes to show that scientists has grown considerably. Therefore, the in Risland are not being paid enough. regional school board proposes building a new elementary school. Lila: No, it does not. These graduates are not working in science for the simple reason that there are Quintero: Another solution would be to convert some not enough jobs in science in Risland to employ all of high school classrooms temporarily into these graduates.


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