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A Let’s Listen and Say Peter’s father bought him a computer for his birthday. Peter was happy. He could do a lot of things with this computer. 请在文中圈出下面过去式 1. bought(动词原形)_________ 2. was(动词原形)_________ 3. could(动词原形)________ 4. saw(动词原形)__________ 知 识 点 for “为了” also “也”(同义词):too a lot of….. “许多…..” countries(单数):country let’s(完整形式):let us 练习:选词填空:searching,find,about,world They are talking ________ their holidays. You can ______ out about animals. He is _______for some beautiful pictures. We have friends all over the ________. C Let’s Practise Anne : What can we do on the computers? Boy: We can email each other. Girl1: We can send greeting to our friends. Girl2: We can search for a lot of things. D Let’s Read excited 兴奋的 learn drawing 学画画 search for 查找 play computer games 玩电脑游戏 present 礼物 6. It is not good for your eyes. 它对眼睛不好。 注意:be good for+名词,意思是“对….有好处” be not good for+名词,意思是“对….没有好处” 如:Swimming is good for your health. 游泳对你的健康有好处。 E Let’s Write had(动词原形):have wonderful “极好的、精彩的” a wonderful day 很棒的一天 Dear ______, Last Sunday, I had a wonderful day. I played ________with my friends_________ 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. After the games, I _______ my homework on the computer. Tianjin Port Shanghai Pudong Airport * computer E-mail email my friends greetings send greetings search for a lot of things find out about countries email my friends send greetings search for a lot of things find out about countries 彼得的爸爸为他的生日给他买了一台电脑。 彼得很高兴。 他能用这台电脑做许多事情。 Dad, thank you. I like my computer. It’s very fast. It will help you a lot. Great! I saw an interesting bird in a book yesterday. Now I can search for a lot of things about it. Good! you can also find out about countries in the world. buy is can see about find searching world Dad, thank you. I________________. It’s very_____. It will____________. like my computer fast help you a lot Great! I saw ______________in a book yesterday. Now I can ________________ about it. an inte



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