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应 用 生 态 学 报  1998 年 10 月  第 9 卷  第 5 期                       CHIN ESE J OU RNAL OF A PPL IED ECOL O GY ,Oct . 1998 ,9 (5) ∶555~56 1 产业生态学的回顾与展望 ( 中国科学院生态环境研究中心 ,北京 100080) 杨建新  王如松   【摘要】 对产业生态学的基本概念 、研究方法和研究热点进行了总结与评述 ,认为产业生 态学是研究人类产业活动与自然环境相互关系的一门综合性 、垮学科的应用科学. 它采用 ( 工业代谢 、生命周期评价和区域生态建设的方法对产业活动全过程 包括原材料采掘 、原 ) 材料生产 、产品制造 、产品使用 、产品用后处理 进行定性描述和定量模拟. 产业生态学着 眼于人类和生态系统的长远利益 ,追求经济效益 、生态效益和社会效益的统一. 关键词  产业生态学  工业代谢  生命周期评价 Retrospect and prospect of industrial ecology. Yang J ianxin and Wang Rusong ( R esearch Cen ter f or EcoEnv i ron mental S ciences , A cadem ia S inica , B eij ing 100080 ) . Chin . J . A pp l . ( ) Ecol . , 1998 , 9 5 :555~56 1. The basic concept , met hodologies and focuses of industrial ecology were summarized and re viewed . It is suggested t hat industrial ecology is a comprehensive and interdiscipline applied sci ence , which deals wit h t he relationship between human industrial activities and natural environ ment s. The whole procedure of industrial activities , including raw material extraction and pro duction , product manufacturing , use and disposal , is qualitatively described and quantitatively modeled , based on t he consideration of industrial metabolism , lifecycle assessment and region ecological construction . Industrial ecology aims at t he longterm benefit s of human and ecosys tems , as well as t he unit y of economic , ecological and social effect s. Key words  Industrial ecology , Industrial metabolism , Lifecycle assessment . 目前从理论到方法以及应用都正处于探索与研


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