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Unit 5 What Are Our Real Values? Warm-up Questions: According to your understanding, how are values of a country formed? As a Chinese, what do you value most? Can you generalize what Chinese values are? ◆ Contents: ★ About the Lesson In this essay the author challenges what are taken for granted as “ American values.” He starts it by pointing our a number of often-ignored facts that run counter to the common supposition about the mainstream American society. He suggest that it is probably due to the problem of “changing things”. These facts gives rise to the question as to what are the real American values. ★ Structural Analysis of Text I: This expository essay may be divided into 4 parts as follows: 1. Part I (Para. 1-4) : the author points out that the popularly assumed American values are “fantasies” and presents a perfect picture of idealized American values. 2. Part II (Paras 5-7 ) : the author presents the true picture of American value and “what we really do”. 3. Part III (Paras 8 – 11): the author looks into the “real root job” --- who makes the code of ethics? and urges people to take actions to “create a real American Dream. ◆ Gist Questions: According to the author, how do American people choose their presidents? They choose their presidents on the basis of how clearly and convincingly these candidates represent and can protect this vision of American values. How does the author comment on people’s love for American values? The author argues that the nice vision of American values does not exist. What people come to love is the image of ourselves created by artists and advocated by the advertising world. They are more inclined to cherish the dream when there is greater difference between fantasies and reality. ★ Detailed Study of Part I (paras. 1-4) of Text I: Analysis In the first paragraph the author points out that the popularly assumed American values are “fantasies.” Such fantasies perform the same function as the sales promotions of sof


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