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PAGE 郑州大学西亚斯国际学院 本科毕业论文 题 目 网络营销下的顾客忠诚度分析 指导教师 刘玉林 职称 教授 学生姓名 毛帅 学号 20103211220 专 业 工商管理 班级 专升本二班 院 (系) 商学院工商管理系 完成时间 2011年4月19日 MACROBUTTON AcceptAllChangesInDoc 网络营销下的顾客忠诚度分析 PAGE I 网络营销下的顾客忠诚度分析 摘  要 顾客忠诚是企业提高营销绩效永恒不变的话题。伴随着互联网的发展和电子商务的应用,越来越多的企业开始进行网络营销。网络营销在很大程度上改变了传统营销的业态和理念,但顾客忠诚对企业经营成功的重要意义并未改变。在网络经济时代,竞争的关键不再是拥有产品,而是拥有客户。市场竞争实质上就是一场争夺顾客资源的竞争,拥有客户就意味着拥有市场,失去了客户,就意味着公司的财产失去了价值。因此,以顾客为中心,不断满足顾客需求并为顾客创造价值,与顾客建立和保持一种长期、良好的合作关系,赢得顾客信任,深入形成和扩大企业的顾客群体,提升顾客忠诚度就成为影响网络营销成功与否的关键。对这一问题的深人研究将有助于企业在实施网络营销战略时,把握网络营销的战略实施重点,以提高企业的核心竞争力。 关键词 网络营销/顾客忠诚度/影响因素 The network marketing analysis of customer loyalty Abstract Customer loyalty is a eternal topic for the enterprise to improve marketing performance. Along with the development of the Internet and the application of e-commerce, more and more enterprises become using network marking. Internet marketing has changed the traditional marketing idea, but the customer loyalty to the important significance of enterprise business success has not changed. In the age of Internet economy, the key is no longer competitive products, but with clients. The market competition is essentially a battle for customer resources of competition. Having clients means having market. Losing customers means that the property of the company lose value. Therefore, regarding customers as the center, satisfying customer needs and creating value for customers, establishing and maintaining a long-term and good relations of cooperation with customers, win customers trust, forming and expanding customer group, improving customer loyalty will be the key to success for network marketing. The deep research of the issue will help enterprise in the implementation of network marking strategy, grasp the key strategic of network marketing, in order to enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise. KEY WORDS:network marketing, cu


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