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Volume xx (200y), Number z, pp. 1–12 Stellar Mesh Simplification Using Probabilistic Optimization 12 13 4 1 1 Antônio W. Vieira , Thomas Lewiner , Luiz Velho , Hélio Lopes , and Geovan Tavares 1 PUC–Rio — Laboratório Matmídia — Rio de Janeiro 2 UNIMONTES — CCET — Montes Claros 3 INRIA — Géométrica Project — Sophia Antipolis 4 IMPA — Laboratório Visgraf — Rio de Janeiro Abstract This paper introduces the Stellar Simplification scheme, a fast implementation of the Four–Face Cluster algorithm. In this scheme, a probabilistic optimization heuristic substitutes the priority queue of the original algorithm, which results in a 40% faster algorithm with the same order of distortion. This implementation uses a very concise data structure which consists only of two arrays of integers to represent the surface topology. The method extends naturaly to a progressive and/or multi–resolution computational scheme for combinatorial surfaces. Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.5 [Computer Graphics]: Computational Geometry and Object Modeling 1. Introduction incident faces. The inverse of the Edge–Collapse operation is called Vertex–Split. Simplification schemes construct a se- The typical surface models handled by contemporary Com- quence of edges to be collapsed, resulting in a hierarchy of puter Graphics applications have millions of triangles. Mesh


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