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编辑:黄鹏飞(新浪微博@SAT 伴侣) 登录www.huangpengfei.me 点击 SAT Download 分享SAT 资料库 改写句子进阶训练之初级 1. Roger had just walked into his office and that was when he was told that his plan had finally been approved. (A) and that was when he was told (B) and then he learned (C) when it was learned by him (D) and then they told him (E) when he learned 2. Burdened with three pieces of luggage and a pair of skis, Sarahs search for a baggage cart was desperate. (A) Sarahs search for a baggage cart was desperate (B) Sarahs desperate search was for a baggage cart (C) a baggage cart was what Sarah desperately searched for (D) a baggage cart for which Sarah desperately searched (E) Sarah searched desperately for a baggage cart 3. Karen, James, and Sam were hiking when, stumbling over a rock, he fell down a steep embankment;. (A) when, stumbling over a rock, he fell down a steep embankment (B) and then he fell down a steep embankment after he stumbled over a rock (C) when Sam fell down a steep embankment after stumbling over a rock (D) when Sam fell down a steep embankment, since he, stumbled over a rock (E) and, since Sam has stumbled over a rock, he fell down a steep embankment 4. Some of the Smithsonian Institution ’s most prized items, from Duke Ellington ’s musical transcription to First Ladies ’ gowns, coming from unsolicited donations. (A) coming from (B) they came from (C) they have come from (D) came from (E) which came from 5. As patients, the medical directors of the clinic believ e that you are entitled to know the reason for the increase in fees. (A) As patients, the medical directors of the clinic believe that you (B) The belief of the clinic ’s medical directors about patients is that you (C) You, as patients, are believed by the clinical medical directors, and you (D) The medical director


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