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British Literature Grace Tan Self-introduction Grace Tan 14 years of teaching CCNU---HUST Active, diligent, generous, confident, critical, independent, loyal Step I. Warming-up questions: Why do we learn literature? 1,000 people have 1,000 versions of Hamlet. A great book not only reflects the authors life and ideas but also the spirit of the age. ( eg:Odepius Complex;Pride and prejudice) How much do you know about English literature? Quiz 1. Shakespeare’s four great tragedies are _______. A. Anthony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus, King Lear, Timon of Athens B. Twelfth Night, Cymbeline, The Winter’s Tale, and The Tempest C. Hamlet, Othello, King John, and Macbeth D. Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth 2.Who is not a 19th Romantic poet ? A. William Wordsworth B. Lord Byron C.Percy Bysshe Shelley D.D.H.Lawrence 3. ______ has been regarded as the father of the English novel. A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. Daniel Defoe C. Henry Fielding ? D. Samuel Richardson 4. Gullivers Travels consists of ______ voyages. ?A. one B. two ?C. three ?D. four 5. One of the important themes of Jane Austen’s novels is ________. A. war B. urban life C. education D. marriage 6. In Ode to the West Wind, the wind is referred to as the wind of ________. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter 7. George Bernard Shaw is mainly a great ____ A. Dramatist B.novelist C.poet D.essayist 8.God created the world in __ days. A.FIVE B.SIX C.SEVEN D.EIGHT 9. In A Tale of Two Cities, the two cities are ___. 10.Which novel is not written by the Bronte Sisters? A. Jane Eyre B.Wuthering Heights C.Oliver Twist D. The Professor Step II. Introduction to Teaching Aims? development or history of English literature major genres 文体 major works of major authors Literary schools Literary terms Writing styles Introduction to the Course Step III.Teaching Contents 9 different periods of English literature The Anglo-Saxon Period (449-1066) The Anglo-Norman/Medieva


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